Title: Over Time
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: G
Content Flags: speculation about the future
Spoilers: through SGU season 2 "Malice"
Characters: Destiny Characters, mid-season 2
Author's Notes: Written for prompt #31 "Over Time" at
sgu_challenge. This is not at all what the prompt pointed at. But looking at the way the title was spelled, this fic popped into my head and wouldn't leave...
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
Thanks for reading! Feedback = Love. ;-)
Over Time
Over time, Dale Volker will understand that every yin requires a yang, that without a Salieri Mozart would have been a nobody, and he will find joy in his time.
Over time, Chloe Armstrong will comprehend what’s happening to her, and she will learn to bend the alien within to her own will and make friends with her in mutual coexistence.
Over time, TJ will remember her daughter fondly, and she will tell others of the life that never was but should have been, and it won’t hurt so much any more.
Over time, Nicholas Rush will be able to love other human beings again and stop thinking that his fondness is a death sentence for others.
Over time, Ronald Greer will grow to love being a father, and he will speak to his own father as if he was still around, and maybe he is, because he always gives him good advice.
Over time, Everett Young will learn to forgive himself and welcome the burden of grief, because as long as he can feel the pain he knows he’s alive and he cares so much for those he guides.
Over time, Lisa Park will accept her role as a free spirit and reject the notion of society’s norms, because unclipped wings feel natural to her and she is always able to fly.
Over time, Adam Brody will understand the magnitude of his contributions, and he will see how his endless string of small practical solutions made all of their lives possible.
Over time, Camile Wray will balance her loneliness with a newfound purpose, she will find peace in moments and manage to help others find their center within.
Over time, Matthew Scott will allow others to carry their own responsibilities and guilt, and he will know that his life is his own and that’s plenty enough to manage.
Over time, Eli Wallace will find love in places he never thought of looking, and he will do so on his own, with courage and tenderness and a gentle sense of humor.
Over time, Vanessa James will emerge as a conscientious leader and thoughtful strategist, a well-balanced independent woman with a heart big enough to lead entire armies to safety.
Over time, Destiny will learn to think, feel and live like them, and over time they will all come together in a sum of the universal spirit of exploration and the core of kindness, humanity and grace.
Over time, they will all change.
Over time, they will become The One.
And they will arrive.