The Best of the Bad Ideas - Master Post

Feb 25, 2011 00:09

Title: The Best of the Bad Ideas
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: PG-13
Content Flags/ Warnings: some bad language
Spoilers: Season 1 up to "Divided"
Word Count: around 18,910
Summary: Stargate Universe, Season 1 Episode 11 ("Space"): What if the communication stones had glitched and Young had been unable to switch back to his body after going to the alien ship the second time? How will the Destiny crew deal with aliens amongst them? And what does it really mean to be an alien? Sometimes the definition is only skin deep.
Characters: Everett Young, Tamara Johansen, the Destiny crew
Author's Notes: Written for the LJ Comm syfybigbang
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
Thanks for reading! Feedback = Love. ;-)  Please leave comments here at my LJ.

( part 1
( part 2
( part 3
( part 4
( part 5
( part 6)

Artwork by csichick_2 can be found here.

Artwork by shena8 can be found here.

chloe armstrong, jeremy franklin, vanessa james, other characters, dr. inman, robert caine, lisa park, sgu fic, sgu characters, dr. brightman, author: shena8, hunter riley, nicholas rush, shuttle, darren becker, destiny, ronald greer, tamara johansen, aliens, camile wray, matthew scott, dale volker, eli wallace, everett young, dr. boone, adam brody, airman dunning

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