Title: Five times someone was accidentally sent to the past or future by the Stargate
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: PG-13
Content Flags: inappropriate ways of procuring friendships
Characters: Varro, Everett Young, Tamara Johansen
Word Count: 585
Summary: “Maybe the Gate just doesn’t like you.”
Author's Notes: Written for prompt set #155 at
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
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Five times someone was accidentally sent to the past or future by the Stargate
Varro has the worst luck going through the Stargate. Every time he goes through the Gate when he’s on the Away Team, he ends up in a different time while everybody else is safely delivered to the planet they have dialed.
The first time it happens he’s not even aware of it, but when nobody comes through the Gate after him he shuts it down, dials back to Destiny and comes back through. Nobody can explain it at first, because his kino footage shows exactly the same area around the Gate as everyone else’s, but finally Rush discovers an anomaly in his remote dialing device that clearly shows a rift in time. It’s only a day’s worth, but if he hadn’t come back right away the Destiny would have already left.
The second time he waits around for a few more minutes and just as he’s about to dial back the Gate activates and the remaining four members of his team step through.
The third time they all stand at the foot of the Gate, staring at him. “Where the hell did you go,” Eli grouses. “We’ve been here for an hour!”
The fourth time he can’t dial back to Destiny and he spends several hours waiting by the Gate, but eventually his team comes through and he’s vastly relieved.
The fifth time is the worst: he ends up camping out near the Gate for almost two weeks, unable to make contact with Destiny and not knowing whether he arrived well ahead of her or way after, before they finally catch up with his time, and Varro begins to wonder why it always happens to him - and only him.
“I’m a liability, Colonel.”
“I am aware of that, Varro. What do you want me to do? Space you?”
“No, no, I mean, every time I go through the Gate I end up tossed into a different time. It’s disconcerting. And you guys always wait around for me. I feel bad about that.”
Young rubs his chin and looks up at him.
“Maybe the Gate just doesn’t like you.”
“You mean… oh, because I came in with Kiva?”
Young shrugs. “It’s just a theory.”
Varro sits down, utterly dejected. “Well, how can I make friends with it? I want to do my share of food gathering and stuff.”
Young twiddles a pen in his fingers, then points it at the Lucian.
“Show the old girl some love. Maybe she just needs to understand you like it here.”
“You mean -“
Young nods sagely. “I do.”
Varro jumps up and makes a mad dash for the hatch.
“Make sure the kino feeds are turned off… post a few guards, just in case…” Young yells after him.
About half an hour later Young’s radio crackles to life.
“Colonel? This is TJ, come in.”
“This is Young.”
“Sir… I don’t know how to put it… but I got reports about Varro - umm - humping the Stargate… He’s posted guards but one of the kinos snuck into the room somehow…”
“I know.”
“Should I be concerned, Sir?”
“Naah. Just let him finish. He’s working on the time travel issue.”
After a brief silence there’s a snicker.
“You gave him the speech of ‘the old girl needing some love’, didn’t you? You know, there are easier ways of DNA imprinting on the gate.”
Young grins. “I am aware.”
Another brief silence.
“You’re wicked, Everett.”
“Thank you, my love.”
Thanks for reading! A comment or feedback would be awesome.