I didn't die, UNLIKE CERTAIN FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD AUTOMOBILES WHILE DRIVING AND IN FRONT OF A STRIP BAR OF ALL PLACES. At any rate, $600 later, the car has a new master computer, and it's time to start thinking about car #2. Poor, poor car #1
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Comments 18
take care.
oh by the way it's kyle.
whats the deal?
email me at troutsocksx@aol.com if you have a new blog, you were the only thing that kept me going 6 years ago... i haven't forgotten. the livejournal always made me happy... even if it was about your shit car dying somewhere, or your boyfriend (Sean?) or whatever... i miss it.
sorry, i know we weren't really that close, and only IM'd a few times, but i miss your stuff.
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