TEN Things You Did
(001.) attended art school
(002.) moved to Florida
(003.) turned 18
(004.) lived on my own
(005.) stole 4 dollar hotel water
(006.) saw the back of Donovan McNabbs head
(007.) went to the Zoo
(008.) stayed at Virginia Tech
(009.) met Dolci
(010.) 16 hour road trip
NINE Favorite Songs of the Summer
(001.)Third Eye Blind: Deep Inside Of You
(002.)The Spill Canvas: This Is For Keeps
(003.)Jacks Mannequin: Dark Blue
(004.)Death Cab For Cutie: A Lack Of Color
(005.)Something Corporate: She Paints Me Blue
(006.)Coldplay: Fix You
(007.)Brand New: Play Crack The Sky
(008.)Jimmy Eat World: The World You Love
(009.)Matchbox 20: Hang
EIGHT Places You Ate At
(001.) Zona Fresca [Ft. Lauderdale]
(002.) Hooters
(003.) Sloppy Joes [Ft. Lauderdale]
(004.) The Clevelander [Miami]
(005.) Georgios [Ft. Lauderdale]
(006.) Premanti Bros. [Ft. Lauderdale]
(007.) The Oasis Cafe [Ft. Lauderdale]
(008.) Chili's
SEVEN Things that Annoyed You
(001.) The Jamaicans that lived next to me
(002.) weed
(003.) safety [or lack there of]
(004.) the Housing Directors at AI
(005.) NOVA's placement tests
(006.) distance
(007.) it rained a lot when i was in Florida
SIX Things You Bought
(001.) Advil/Tylenol/Excedrin
(002.) Movie ticket [Charlie and the Chocolate Factory]
(003.) College dorm things
(004.) Bikinis
(005.) Art Supply Kit
(006.) Gatorade
FIVE Things You Accomplished
(001.) being able to take care of myself
(002.) got a job
(003.) impulse [moving home because i felt like it]
(004.) a shot [of vodka]; i could never do it before. pain is a great motivator.
(005.) a 3.9 my first 2 months in college.
FOUR Movies You Saw
(001.) Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
(002.) 40 Year Old Virgin
(003.) Wedding Crashers
(004.) Dukes Of Hazzard
THREE Things You Wish You Did
(001.) stayed in Virginia
(002.) went to the beach EVERYDAY i was in Florida
(003.) paid attention to what i was feeling in June
TWO Rules You Broke
(001.) I allowed two boys to sleep in my dorm for 4 days.
(002.) Stole the key [i was supposed to return] to my dorm.
ONE Thing You LOVED About This Summer
(001.) A boy.