Title: Home Author: wings128 Pairing: Ronon/John Rating: PG Word Count: 1000 A/N: Track 1 of Playlist For Shex Inspired by “If You’re Gone” - by Matchbox 20.
Title: Stand Down Author: firesign10 Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Ronan Dex Word Count: 2076 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: none Disclaimer: Not even close to real, folks
Summary: John comes back from a mission and can't relax. Ronan helps him unwind.
Title: Flying With Dinosaurs Author: wings128 Pairing: John/Ronon Recipient: jj1564 Prompt: “the first too were pretty specific so any John/Ronon” with a mix of the others as well. Rating: R Word Count: 5430 Beta: alexisjane
Summary: Just another ordinary, average, day in the Pegasus Galaxy…
Title: Dances with Horses Author: wings128 Pairing: John/Ronon Rating: NC17 Word Count: 2874 Warnings: Post series, Atlantis still on Earth, Stargate Program has gone public. A/N: Written for jj1564 who bought me in the fandomaid Nepal Earthquake Fundraiser.
Title: Trust Author: wings128 Pairing: John/Ronon Rating: NC17 Word Count: 1776 A/N: written as the sequel for It’s Not You It’s Him because John/Ronon will always be John/Ronon - except of course, when they’re Ronon/John.
Summary: Luckily for John, Ronon doesn’t give up on what he wants.
Title: It’s Not You It’s Him Author: wings128 Rating: PG Word Count: 337 A/N: written for casey28’s prompt for the Never Ever Will I meme - “John breaks up with Ronon to be with Rodney.”