In between working on the cross stitch project I've been working on this. I've finally finished the inner ring of the 'Gate and I'm getting ready to start on the outer ring. Then its making the chevrons and attaching them!
LOL Let me get this one done and I'll see what I can do!
I've been doing okay. I lost my mother in 2011 ans since then its been taking care of the family and I've been working like crazy, trying to keep up with the forum and then getting involved with the documentary my friend Lynne from Canada is producing. LOL
It has been forever and I miss you too! How have you been? *hugs*
Comments 5
I might be bald by the time I learn how to place the chevrons. LOL
btw how the heckuva you been? it's been forever and i miss you!
I've been doing okay. I lost my mother in 2011 ans since then its been taking care of the family and I've been working like crazy, trying to keep up with the forum and then getting involved with the documentary my friend Lynne from Canada is producing. LOL
It has been forever and I miss you too! How have you been? *hugs*
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