From prlrocks

Aug 22, 2008 20:36


A favorite book!
-- Boat of a Million Years by Poul Anderson. Classics and science fiction, all in one, convenient book.

A book that affected you in your YA years.
-- When would that be, exactly? In the Garden of Iden by Kage Baker broke my mind when I was a teenager. She's still my favorite author, and I've read them all.

A favorite fantasy novel.
-- While I've read bunches of it, I don't really like fantasy very much. Can Hyperion count? No? Shit.

A favorite sci fi novel.
-- Well, my first answer still stands, but I also love the Hyperion series by Dan Simmons. As a whole, Hyperion is the best of the four, but the end of Rise of Endymion made me cry like a child.

An awesome book (possibly a favorite) you think not many people around you have heard of/read.
-- I feel bad for the reuse, but Boat of a Million Years is seriously awesome.

A book you own more than one copy of.
-- I have the Iliad and the Odyssey in various and sundry forms. Off the top of my head, I've got the Fagles, Lattimore, and Rouse versions, a really damn old version of the Iliad (the Pope, I think?), and several books of the Greek. And two dictionaries comprised solely of Homeric vocab. In addition to all of those copies, I have the craptastic ones that Penguin put out. Eh.

An author whose every single book you own/will buy.
-- Kage Baker.

The worst book you've ever read.
-- Ever? You cannot fully understand how impossible that is to answer. I used to read Libby's romance novels. So, seriously, I'm sure it was one of those. But most recently, I was completely displeased with Breaking Dawn. Yes, I know I shouldn't have bothered to read it, but I couldn't help it. Damn Serena anyway.

A book you dislike that lots of other people you know like.
-- Apuleius bored me to tears. Sorry, all. :(

The most difficult book you've ever read.
-- I'm sure something academic, but honestly? I'm not sure what constitutes a difficult book. I hated reading my bio textbook, but it wasn't really difficult to read it.

Tell me what kind of books your mom reads/read.
-- Mom reads the worst of the trashy trash - she enjoys James Patterson and his ilk. "Oh, yays! A new Dean Koontz book!" Ugh.

What have you read so far this year?
-- Um, grad student? I've probably read about 100 books since the year began. No, for reals. I've also been doing some light reading on the side, and the most memorable would be the Skinny Bitch book, which I didn't really care for very much at all.

What are you reading now?
-- I read someone's thesis today (it was a waste), as well as a few articles. By the bed I have the Stone Rose. I'm also in the middle of several books on Western Greek architecture.

What are you reading next?
-- More academic stuff. It's all I do.


1. A favorite film!
-- The Fountain.

2. A film that affected you in your YA years.
-- Terminator 2.

3. A favorite fantasy film.
-- Again, I'm not actually big into this stuff, so I'd go with Stardust, I guess. Or the Two Towers, just to be contrary. :)

4. A favorite sci fi film.
-- Aliens!

5. An awesome film (possibly a favorite) you think not many people have heard of/seen.
-- I don't think enough people have seen the Fountain, so GO! I also saw this little film called the Dish about a month ago, and it was kinda cool.

6. A favorite drama.
-- The Constant Gardner

7. A favorite romantic drama.
-- Pride and Prejudice?

8. A favorite historical drama.
-- 300.

(Yeah, yeah. STFU.)

9. A favorite comedy.
-- Life of Brian or Galaxy Quest.

10. A favorite romantic comedy.
-- Shaun of the Dead. . . Well, it has both elements in it.

11. A favorite horror/scary film
-- 28 Days Later.

12. A favorite foreign film
-- Meaning, foreign language film? Mebbe Night Watch?

13. A favorite biopic.
-- I don't like the genre, actually. Is Clerks biographical enough?

14. A favorite comic book-based film.
-- While I had waited my entire life for X-Men, and it was wonderful, I stand by my love of 300. Shit, dudes.

15. A favorite book-to-movie adaptation
-- Pride and Prejudice.

16. A favorite action film.
-- I generally like really shitty action films, so judge not the taste, but I quite like AVPR.

17. A favorite animated film.
-- The final Kenshin OVA. *sniff*

18. A favorite "mindfuck" film.
-- Totoro. Holy. Shit.

19. A favorite musical-type film.

20. A holds-a-special-place-in-my-heart film.
-- Pitch Black. I liked that bugger from the moment I saw the preview trailers. It was such a big part of my teenaged years, and I was soooooo pissed off when they went and ruined it with that damned cartoon and the LA sequel. Fuck.

21. A favorite older film.
-- Lawrence of Arabia. I freely admit that I don't like old movies, though.

22. A film you own more than one copy of.
-- Steve and I both have a copy of Highlander. This is the only place where our collections intersect, however, which is pretty funny :)

23. An actor/filmmaker/director whose every single movie you own/will buy.
-- *embarrassed* Michael Biehn.

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