I'm incredibly lucky. I'm a happy creature by nature, and I do like it that way, even when I feel bad for occasionally shining optimism a bit too brightly for real life. Sometimes even peril-sensitive sunglasses won't protect your eyes around me. So it's really disconcerting when I'm not like that.
I has a sad and it just refuses to budge. When I indulge myself enough to actually say (or write, or even think) so, I tear up. At work. At home. At restaurants or pet stores. It seems my sad is as unashamed and uninhibited as my happy often is.
For gods' sake, somebody yell at me for being so sad already. Maybe that will help; it sure works with the happy.
But the best way to work yourself out of a sad, I hope, is to DO something.
So, my friends, this is my first request post. You all know what I like but it doesn't have to stop there. Tell me what you'd like to see me do for you -- suggest a character or a situation or just something you'd like to see. I'll suggest a medium (drawing, writing, baking, sculpture, knitting, tea-tag mosaic, etc.) and if you're cool with it, I shall create. If I can't do it, I'll say so and beg your forgiveness, I promise! :D