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Feb 12, 2037 00:00

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Comments 209

such convenience ex_twinkleba510 November 21 2002, 09:27:18 UTC
How's the deathrock scene in London?


Re: such convenience sheridanwilde November 21 2002, 13:50:44 UTC

The Deathrock scene doesn't really exist in London - we've got a little punk (though I don't know anything about that scene), and a few goth-type places, that have limited amounts fo deathrock...


Re: such convenience caveynik September 17 2003, 08:19:57 UTC

err..hello..check this out..

Dead and Buried!!


random enough for you? o0olellyo0o November 21 2002, 19:23:01 UTC
My scalp itches
cant touch it
cant touch it

oh the joys of vanity & big hair

i should get going.
i've got to be fashionably late to a horrible ebm club.
the things i do for my friends...


What are you doing?


Yup sheridanwilde November 21 2002, 19:48:42 UTC

Why can't you touch it?  I know that if I looked at your LJ I could probably find out, but I'm waiting for something to download so that I can close the browser so that I can restart it with a new plug-in.  I'm guessing either hair spray or extensions...

I was as fashionably late for a club as I've ever been in my life last week - I got there at five.  Just in case there's any confusion - the club opened at ten (p.m.), I got there at five (a.m.) and then the club closed at half seven (a.m.) - though I knew I was going to get in free, I'd been to a party, and I like London by night.

I'm currently trying to work up the energy to make some food, before going to bed, before meeting someone tomorrow, before going to another party (you don't go to any parties for ages, then a load come along at once - at least they're not all on the same day this time)

Why do you not want to go out?  'coz it's ebm, and (from what I can tell) your tastes don't include that kind of thing?

np: Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald - Dream a Little Dream of Me ( ( ... )


Re: Yup o0olellyo0o November 22 2002, 23:31:11 UTC
actually...nothing about my hair was written in my lj-
i wasn't able to touch it because i ran out of hairspray so it wasn't concretely in place..
it was all just precariously backcombed..

the ebm bands i like are few and far in between.
i like front 242
and hocico
a couple wumpscut songs

i've decided to stop partying for awhile-last one i went to-i had memory loss.
damn alchohol.
thats never happened before.

clubs in denver aren't smooth enough to be open any later than 2 AM

that was pretty damn fashionably late..
i dont think i would be able to stand being at a club from 10-5
i'd end up slapping someone.
i'm not sure why-but i'm sure of it..
being around lots of people ALL night would drive me bonkers..


Re: Yup sheridanwilde November 25 2002, 00:59:01 UTC

I was much more conventional this week - turned up to the same nightclub before eleven thirty (but that meant I got in free), staying 'til seven thirty (when it closed), and going to an after-party, which (including a few hours sleep) I left at nine thirty (in the evening) - if you would be driven mad by spending seven hours with lots of people you probably don't want to spend twenty-odd hours with them :)


Dang panzerbjrn November 29 2002, 13:06:52 UTC
This is such a cool idea.
I think I might have to plagiarize it :)
Mr Eleganza


Re: Dang sheridanwilde April 22 2003, 14:45:08 UTC

And it's taken me this long to have a look to see if you did or not (shows how much of a procrastinator I am)


Re: Dang panzerbjrn April 27 2003, 07:40:46 UTC
Why procrastinate tomorrow, when you can procrastinate today? :)


Re: Dang flavius_m August 15 2003, 05:25:56 UTC
nah, you can always do it tomorrow.....


yallcantdenyit December 27 2002, 00:31:11 UTC
your mom.

haha! why is it always so funny?

yeah. i don't know you.


sheridanwilde December 27 2002, 13:51:26 UTC

It is definately a random comment, though 'your mom' isn't funny.


djpsyche January 10 2003, 11:02:28 UTC
LJ was down last night -- don't have your number -- don't know if you will get this on time but you ARE on the guest list for B-Movie tonight. :)


Rar! sheridanwilde January 10 2003, 11:20:16 UTC

What's more - 'ray!

See you there (but only if I get my skates on and get out of the house (which will involve leaving the now-working LJ behind *sob*)

np: Siouxsie and the Banshees - Trust in Me


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