Hi everyone and welcome to the fifth round of Sherlock Remix!
As a reminder, here are the dates for the challenge:
Signups Open: May 12
Signups Close: May 22
Assignments Out: June 3
Optional Check In: July 14
Mandatory Check In: August 14
Remixes Due: September 14
Posting Begins: September 21
Posting Ends: September 28
Reveals: October 4
1. This is a challenge, not a gift exchange.
This is not new or different, but it's worth reiterating. You, as a remixer, are not writing fic for someone else; you're taking another author's words, characters, and story and adding your own unique spin to it. Just be mindful that the same is true of the person remixing you. This sort of challenge is not for everyone and we encourage you to think carefully about the risks and rewards before signing up. That said, this is supposed to be fun, and you won’t be penalized for enjoying yourself.
2. As in previous rounds, pairings cannot be changed.
You can choose to focus on, evolve, or downplay certain pairings/relationships, but you cannot take a fic that is Sherlock/Lestrade and John+Mrs. Hudson and change it into Sherlock/John.
Think about this carefully if you choose to change the verse: you must keep the same pairing. You may use the same characters as they appear in the changed verse (e.g., if the original fic is BBC verse Sherlock/Mrs. Hudson, the the remix can have Sherlock/Mrs. Hudson as they are written in ACD canon) or you may transplant the characters and their unique personalities from the original to the different verse (e.g., Sherlock/Mycroft in their BBC personas may appear in the Victorian era of ACD or Jeremy Brett verse).
3. All Sherlock Holmes-related verses are eligible. The verse is an element open to remix.
Stories set in ACD Canon, the Downey films, Elementary, and other Sherlock Holmes verses are eligible for remix. Please keep in mind that previous rounds have been restricted to Sherlock BBC and that a majority of the participants are likely to have only written in that verse. You may change the verse, but see above about maintaining pairings.
4. As in previous rounds, this challenge is anonymous.
Once you receive your assignment, we ask that you not discuss it with anyone other than your beta/Britpicker.
5. No LJ required.
As in the quick round, you do not need to be a member of the community or have an LJ. This challenge is open to all, including those whose primary fandom presence is on a platform other than LJ.
You must have at least 5 eligible fics to sign up. Eligible fics are those fics you’ve written that meet the following criteria:
- The fic is set in a Sherlock Holmes universe (ACD, Downey films, BBC, Elementary, etc.).
- The fic is not a crossover.
- The fic must be complete.
- The fic must be at least 500 words.
- The fic cannot be co-written.
- The fic cannot be a remix of someone else’s fic. However, one of your fics that has been previously remixed is considered eligible.
- The fic is not your designated safe story.
Please note that any of your Sherlock Holmes stories that are not co-written, WIPs, remixes, or a safe story are considered available to be remixed. The 5 to 10 stories listed in the comments are 1) to show you’re eligible to play; and 2) your short, recommended list of fic for remixing whose warnings conform to The List. Any fics beyond the 5-10 listed in the signup are not guaranteed to be labeled according to the warnings agreed upon by the community as mandatory warnings.
Comment to this entry. Please include the following information in your sign up (Box A):
Author Name:
Email Address: This must be a non-LJ email address. If you are unwilling to list your email in your sign up comment, you must email the mods at sherlockremixmod@gmail.com. Please use Sherlock Remix Email as your subject.
Relationships I Would Like To Remix: Indicate here what relationships you'd like to work with for this challenge. You can include romantic/sexual relationships (indicated with a slash) and familial/friendship/non-sexual (indicated with a plus). Please do not use portmanteau names (i.e., Johnlock, Sherstrade, etc); please just list each character by name.
Relationships I Do Not Want to Remix: Indicate here what relationships you do not want to work with for this challenge.
I Do Not Want to Be Matched to Any of the Following Content: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, major char death] Per the poll on mandatory content warnings, this is the mandatory list of warnings that participants must use (i.e. The List). You may not add to this list, but you can delete any content that does not concern you.
I Do Not Want to Be Matched to Stories with These Ratings: [G/PG/General, PG-13/Teen, R/Mature, NC-17/Explicit]. Leave blank if you can be matched with any rating.
Sherlock Holmes Verses I Would Want to Remix: Indicate here which Sherlock Holmes verses you’re willing to remix.
My Ineligible Stories - Remixes: List the applicable stories here. You do not have to provide any details or links. Please note: These are remixes you have written of other authors’ original stories. These are not original stories that you have written which others have remixed.
My Ineligible Stories - Chosen Safe Story: You may optionally designate one story only--not one series---as ineligible for remixing. Once sign-ups have closed, you may not change your mind.
I Have at Least One Eligible Story to Which No Challenge Warnings/Content Notes Apply: [Yes/No]
Master List: Please include a link to your fic master list.
Special Instructions for the Mods (Optional): You may choose to include information you feel may assist the mods when making assignments. This field is optional.
In the same comment, you will also provide details for 5-10 eligible fics (Box B):
Link(s) to the Fic:
Pairings/Relationships:List all relationships that play a role in the fic, both / and +. Gen is not an appropriate response. If you feel a relationship is ambiguous, please make a decision on whether that relationship is / or + and list it accordingly.
This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, major char death]
Optional Warnings and Information:
Please remember that In Progress (WIPs) and co-authored fics are not eligible for remixing. You may list additional fics (i.e. beyond 10) in your sign up, but it is not required. Templates for both boxes are provided at the end of this post.
One of the mods will respond to your comment after signups have closed to confirm your comment has been received and/or to request clarification if necessary. Signups will remain open through May 22nd; changes and edits may happen until that time. Once signups are closed, no further editing or changing of signups is permitted without mod permission.
What Happens Next?
After signups close, the mods will compile a list of participants, pinch hitters, and beta readers and links to their signup comments. This is the participant master list and will be posted to the community and tumblr on May 24th.
Mods will begin the matching process at this time. Assignments will be sent to participants by June 3rd. Participants will have until September 14th to complete their assignments. Two check in posts-one optional (July 14th) and one mandatory (August 14th)-will be posted to the community. Any author who fails to check in to the mandatory check in post will be considered dropped out and a pinch hitter will be called in.
Remixes are due September 14th. They must be at least 500 words in length and have been beta read and Britpicked. If you are not able to finish on time, you must let the mods know as soon as possible so that a pinch hitter can be called in.
Anonymous posting will begin September 21st and will continue until September 28th. Author reveals will happen on October 4th. Once reveals are done, participants may begin posting their remixes to AO3, LJ, tumblr, and other platforms.
Beta Readers
You may optionally choose to sign up as a beta reader for the challenge, even if you have already signed up as an author. Please make a separate comment and include the following information:
Beta Name:
Email (non-lj email):
I Will NOT Beta Stories That Include: This can be elements from The List, pairings, or other content.
I Can Also Britpick: [yes/no]
Authors may email you privately or respond to your signup comment, so be sure to check both places.
Pinch Hitters
You may optionally choose to sign up as a pinch hitter for this challenge, even if you have already signed up as an author. Please make a separate comment and include the following information:
Pinch-Hitter Name:
Email (non-lj email):
There is no need to indicate your preferences here. A mailing list of all pinch hitters will be created and requests will be sent out to the group as needed. The first pinch hitter to claim a pinch hit up for grabs will get the assignment. Each response will be acknowledged.
Please use the following templates in your signup:
For Authors
Box A
Author Name:Email Address:Relationships I Would Like To Remix:Relationships I Do Not Want To Remix:I Do Not Want to be Matched to Any of the Following Content: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death]
I Do Not Want to be Matched to Stories with These Ratings: [G/PG/General, PG-13/Teen, R/Mature, NC-17/Explicit].
Sherlock Holmes Verses I Would Want to Remix:My Ineligible Stories - Remixes:My Ineligible Stories - Chosen Safe Story:I Have at Least One Eligible Story to Which No Challenge Warnings/Content Notes Apply: [Yes/No]
Master List:Special Instructions for the Mods (Optional): Box B
Title:Link(s) to the Fic:Pairings/Relationships:This story includes the following elements from The List: [non-con, dub-con, a/b/o, underage, bdsm, incest, self-harm, suicide, graphic violence, phys abuse, ment abuse, maj char death]
Rating:Verse:Optional Warnings and Information: Beta Reader Sign Up:
Beta Name:Email (non-lj email): I Will NOT Beta Stories That Include:I Can Also Britpick: [yes/no]
Pinch Hitter Sign Up
Pinch-Hitter Name:Email (non-lj email): Have fun, everyone! And don’t forget, questions, comments and feedback can be emailed to the mods at
sherlockremixmod@gmail.com or in the comments to
this entry.