In case you're wondering why I'm still up it's not because of insomnia (for once!). As tomorrow (well technically today) is going to be a very long and somewhat exhausting (even though it probably doesn't sound like it) I've decided to head to bed around 4am so not to wake up too early. For the record I usually sleep around 4-5hrs, and tonight it's going to be a bit tiring.
The first show kicks off at 7:45pm, (so I will have been there since 6pm) and comes down around 10:30pm. We're going back up at 11:30pm so will come down around 2am-ish. I know it really doesn't sound like much of a day, but if you have to stand next to a 2.5kw light that is quite heavy, following dancers around and having to concentrate... plus we have a dep so I need to keep an eye on spot 2... It does take it's toll in draining you of all energy and mental ability. You know those brain sucking things in Futurama?
I randomly bought 'Carnivale' for £20 last week (from Amazon), I've been saying for a long time that this series looks interesting and I would buy it if the price was much cheaper (I only ever see for £50 + in shops). So, now I'm finally watching it and I'm very intrigued (I'm on episode 4). It's odd in a... 'I must know what the heck is going on!' way. I have a feeling I may be buying the second series (if it is cheap!).
I believe I said I was going to have a Watson drabble ready and guess what? I do :D, I also have a random poem which I am going to inflict upon you first :P
Missing the silence, the peace.
All I can hear is my soul
I want to lay down in
silence, close myself
to the darkness.
Peace, only in silence.
(originally written on the tube... of all places!)
Title: Forever a Routine
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Watson's life is becoming one long routine. (Based on a
comment convo with
He woke before his alarm.
Sighting he pushed back the covers and rose from the bed. He felt tired, old and lonely. Pulling his nightgown over his head he caught his reflection in mirror, how old he looked. His hair was now streaked with grey, there were cracks around his eyes and mouth. He'd long stopped smiling. The ugly scar upon his shoulder only served to remind of him the pain of so many years ago. He touched it sadly and recalled with a wince all the pain that had occurred since.
Shuddering slightly he proceeded to dress slowly and to attend to his toilet. A photograph upon his desk taunted him with beautiful smiling eyes and gentle features. His throat tightened and he picked up the picture, running his fingers along the contours of her beautiful smile. Fighting back the memories he opened a drawer to shut them away when a second memory surged and crushed his heart. Carefully he removed the small newspaper clipping, it was an obituary.
Anger began to rise within him and he quickly shut back the clipping within the darkness.
His work became meaningless, the same thing from day to day. Where before a telegram or note would have pulled him away and he would find himself travelling to an unknown location. That was where he belonged.
Now both his wife and the man who made him complete were gone. They had both taken up residence in his heart, and they had both betrayed him.
Sighing he replaced his stethoscope within his black doctor's bag and glanced about his surgery.
That's all he had now.
Oh and I found my Cricket Captain disc! *happy dance*. Having troubles with the graphics again though, I don't know what is going on I really don't.