Title: Dinning Room Surprises
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: PG
daylyn “What on Earth!”
“Ah, doctor, I require your expertise.”
“My expertise?”
“Yes, as you observe this poor creature has a rather nasty looking cut across his snout.”
“Holmes, that's a hedgehog.”
“A hedgehog requiring urgent medical assistance.”
“I'm a doctor not a veterinary surgeon!”
“I'm sure the principle is the same, hop to it doctor, your patient awaits.”
“Really Holmes... How did you come across him?”
“He was being bothered by that awful tomcat that lives next door.”
“Well, the cut seems fairly superficial, a few stitches and he'll be hunting slugs again in no time.”
“Excellent news!”
“Don't think Mrs Hudson will be too pleased when she finds out that you had a hedgehog on the dinning table.”
“She'll be none the wiser. Now let's put this fellow in a box to recover and celebrate your success.”
“What do you have in mind? I must say I am rather hungry.”
“I was thinking of something a little more energetic than dinner.”