Title: Darkness
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Mycroft, alone.
His working day keeps his mind working, processing facts, organising figures and solving problems. Sherlock's frequent escapades allow him fleeting moments of companionship before he returns to the world of data. As the clock winds down the hours and his office slowly empties, the fear begins. A slow, gradual cooling of the blood. His steps are heavy as he makes his way into his home.
Alone he is left with nothing to fight the darkness that threatens to seep into his bones and overwhelm his mind, leaving with nothing but failure. He wishes there was someone to share the pain but every friend has exploited him, his position, his connections. His brain.
Loneliness has become his companion, his protector, it doesn't mock or judge him when he gives in to the darkness. It makes no comment as he cries into the pillow or takes a second slice of cake.
Title: Ice Man
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Mycroft's secrets.
Mycroft has spent a lifetime cultivating his ‘Ice Man’ persona, it’s serves to protect himself and those he loves for those who seek to destroy him. He fears one day someone will melt his cold hard exterior and see that he's still the painfully shy little boy hiding from the bullies that still haunt him in his dreams, their taunts, hurting him more than their beatings ever could, refusing to be silent - lardarse, faggot...freak. Sometimes he catches himself slipping and the fear overwhelms him.
Title: Behind the Mask
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Anthea muses on working for Mycroft.
In the years Anthea has worked for Mycroft, she has witnessed him reduced the most powerful men (and the occasional woman) to quivering wrecks with just the raise of an single eyebrow, and knows which ministers have literally shat themselves when informed that Mr Holmes would be stopping by for a chat. She never stops being amazed and utterly fascinated by the depth of his knowledge and when he comes up with a brilliantly dark scheme which will neatly solve all the current problems with a minimum of fuss, she remembers why he truly terrifies her.
She's seen him at his best and at his worst. She's helped him to bed when he's been so exhausted he can barely remember her name and held his hand at his mothers funeral. She's seen him fight off the daemons that plague his mind when others would have given up, held him while he cried over his brothers hospital bed and laughed until her sides ached at one of his painfully accurate impressions.
When people ask how she can work with a man like Mycroft, she gives them a smile that sends them running back to their desks because whatever they think he is, she has the honour and privilege of knowing the truth - he's a shy socially awkward genius with a wickedly dry sense of humour...who loves his little brother very, very much.
Title: Driving Buddies
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Mycroft regrets giving his little brother sweets.
On reflection it had been a bad idea to distract his 11yr old brother with a bag of sweets. The clock of the dasboard was a painful reminder that he had to last another 2hrs 37 minutes with an overly stimulated and hyperactive Sherlock without crashing the car.
"I feel sick." Sherlock suddenly announced.
Sighing, Mycroft wondered how upset mummy would be if he abandoned Sherlock on the central reservation of the M1.
Fifteen minutes later he was at the motorway services trying his best to clean up his little brother and get the worse of the mess out of his car.
Title: Perfection
Rating: PG
Synopsis: For Mycroft, perfection is everything.
"Sir?" Anthea tapped lightly on the door as she walked through, glancing up slightly from her Blackberry. "The car is..." she paused and watched Mycroft as he neatly lined up the pens on his desk.
He didn't look up from straightening the blotter. "Mycroft?"
Frowning his hand flitted back to the pens, moving one slightly to the right before refocusing his attention the blotter.
As she stepped forward and he looked up, eyes glassy and shining strangely. "Please" he whispered, voice cracking.
She nodded and quietly backed out of his office, closing the door behind her.
The meeting could wait.