Title: The Butter Dish
Rating: PG
Synopsis: What did Watson find in the butter dish?
As I descended from my room for breakfast I found the sitting room in it's usual state of disarray. Small mountains of paper were stacked in almost every corner, there were large bundles of newspaper covering the chairs and our desks were almost hidden under the cascading piles that covered them. Holmes's papers had a habit of breeding it seemed, no matter how many times I cleared the papers from my desk they appeared again several days later and often in greater quantities.
Mrs Hudson had in a moment of exasperation turned to me in an attempt to make our sitting room a little more habitable. She had almost given up appealing to Holmes and it had fallen to me, given how we were on such 'intimate terms', she had said with a smile that caused me to blush and claim that I had no understanding of what she meant.
Sherlock Holmes was sitting in his arm chair smoking his vile before breakfast pipe, his knees drawn up and his brow knitted in deep concentration. He had clearly been up all night brooding over some obtuse and delicate problem.
I was curious concerning Holmes's late night vigil. Perhaps he finally he a case to tax his brain or perhaps he was simply trying to remember where he had filed something.
I sighed and settled myself at the breakfast table, reaching over for the coffee pot and pouring myself a large coffee. I set the pot down before reaching for the milk and sugar, unlike Holmes I couldn't take my coffee black and couldn't for the life of me understand why anyone would do such a thing.
I poured a second cup for Holmes and left it sitting in front of his empty place, hoping that he would take the suggestion and join me.
Taking a slice of toast, I lifted the lid of the butter dish.
"For for pity's sake!" I cried in exasperation. I carefully fished out the offending object with my spoon and turned to face my companion. "Would you mind please furnishing me with an explanation for this?"
"Oh." Holmes rose from his chair, "I was wondering where that went. Thank you."
He took the tooth from me, wiped it on his handkerchief and to my disgust popped it back in his mouth.
"Sometimes." I muttered.
"Sometimes what?" Holmes asked, giving me a sweet smile and sitting down opposite me at the table.
It wasn't worth a discussion.
Finding his false left canine in the butter dish was not the worst thing I'd discovered during the years I lived at Baker Street.
More toothy fun to come probably.
Anyone else think it's a strange coincidence that British troops are being withdrawn from Iraq at the same time that
Prince Harry is going in? Fair play to Prince Harry for wanting to serve as an active member of the armed forces, why shouldn't he? He went through all the training and he'll probably make a career out of the army for himself.
karaoke can be harmful.
Haha, a
dog isn't impressed with a 19yr old soprano's singing voice. That is such a fantastic story.
Good ole Father Ted fans...
I mentioned going to see 'Blood Diamond' on Sunday, well I found this
article on the BBC news front page. Apparently it's one of their most e-mailed.
As well as the television operas, I'm highly amused to see that the creators of Jerry Springer the Opera (one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen) are going do
'psychotic' ballet.