Remix of unovis: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Oct 25, 2016 19:45

Original Story:
Author: unovis
Title & Link: Bedtime Stories
Pairings & Rating: Sherlock/John, Rating: General Audiences
Warnings/Content Notes: n/a

Remix Story:
Author: [REDACTED]
Title: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Pairings & Rating: Sherlock/John, Rating: Teen
Warnings/Content Notes: n/a
Britpicker: [REDACTED]
Summary: John has a ( Read more... )

challenge: round six, verse: bbc, rated: teen, unovis, pairing: john/sherlock

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Comments 5

anonymous October 27 2016, 06:32:20 UTC
This is such a sweet fic!

"Would you like to cuddle my dressing gown in lieu of - “

"As you wish."


John’s eyes flew open. “Wait, what? What happened to the first four chapters?”

“They are markedly inferior. Now shut up and listen.”

shall remain my all-time favorite lines!


coloredink October 27 2016, 06:36:34 UTC
The solution? Winnie-the-Pooh, of course! XD Reading this made me pleasantly nostalgic. What a sweet story!


dioscureantwins October 27 2016, 07:09:42 UTC
Oh, this is nice. The change of POV works really well here. John's anger and sense of humiliation at his distress. And Sherlock's very Sherlockian solution.

What an utterly delightful and sweet story, MA.


unovis October 30 2016, 18:11:12 UTC
That was charming. I'm so fond of bedtime stories, and stories about bedtime stories. Your John is more poignant and affected by the experiment (and Sherlock); I love his cuddling mother.


ficklepig November 8 2016, 22:59:47 UTC
I like John's crabbiness here, the way his thought process echoes Sherlock's in the original. Also, that he seems aware of his own feelings for Sherlock. Very sweet!


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