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Because phobias are not funny... anonymous July 16 2011, 23:56:48 UTC
Really not. I'm arachnophobic to a point where I can have a full-blown panic attack just by looking at them, and people find it so fucking amusing, to them it's like the best show ever.

I want Sherlock (or John? Whoever you want)to be phobic of something harmless and probably a bit ridiculous (Inofensive insects? Clowns? Dolls? Ducks? idk)and someone making fun of them because of it, even throwing this 'something' into his face just for a laugh.

And then I want BAMF John (or Sherlock) to ****fucking tear them a new arsehole****. Figuratively or not. So they get that when someone is phobic, they're actually panicking and not putting on a show for them to enjoy.


Re: Because phobias are not funny... anonymous July 17 2011, 06:23:08 UTC
Different anon, but I have a friend who gets freaked out by dots and she can't really explain why either. So I don't think it's such an unusual thing.

Heights and spiders for me.

By the way seconding this prompt!


Re: Because phobias are not funny... anonymous July 17 2011, 08:54:30 UTC
But that is the whole definition of a phobia. The irrational fear of something. Many people have no idea why they have a phobia.


Re: Because phobias are not funny... anonymous July 17 2011, 10:05:00 UTC
I want this too. I have a fear of needles and sharp objects, and the amount of mocking I get for it is ridiculous. Hyperventilation and fainting, oh yeah, bloody hilarious.


Re: Because phobias are not funny... captclockwork August 11 2011, 21:41:03 UTC
I'm afraid of needles/sharpness as well. And I have hypoglycemia, which means I have to do blood tests all the time. Every time is fear. Needles are the worst. I freak my shit. =(


Re: Because phobias are not funny... fer_de_lance August 20 2011, 07:32:11 UTC
Oh, man -- all my sympathy! I can't even imagine how horrible that is. D:

(There's a reason I let my tetanus shot get a decade out of date. That reason? Tetanus shots involve needles. Oh, and pain, which doesn't precisely make the needle less scary!)


Re: Because phobias are not funny... nejem July 17 2011, 11:54:13 UTC
Because phobias are not funny... Really not. I'm arachnophobic to a point where I can have a full-blown panic attack just by looking at them, and people find it so fucking amusing, to them it's like the best show ever.

Fucking hell, I hear you: I am deeply scared of clowns and my coulrophobia only got worse with the years and people think it's funny to point out to me a circus ad with a stupid fucking creepy smiling clown on it just to see me freak out. I once I had a bad breakdown and saw a clown on the other side of the road where I live, just standing there and staring at me and I had a panic attack: that was the only time during which people tried to actually help me, explain it was just an hallucination. But a few days after that? Again with pointing out circus ads, what the actual f--.

Seconded. Seconded to infinity and beyond, show them it's not funny phobic!Sherlock or phobic!John \o/


I'm claiming this... please vote from the list below sudipal July 17 2011, 15:45:57 UTC
I want Sherlock to have the phobia, and I already have a few ideas, but I'd like to put it to a vote since they all appeal to me as applying to Sherlock:

-Automatonophobia- Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being.

-Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets.

-Catoptrophobia/Eisoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors or of seeing oneself in a mirror.

-Chronomentrophobia- Fear of clocks.

-Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.
(Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.)

-Fear of speaking in public

In the mean time, here's a RTYI story I wrote where John is afraid of mice (sorry, I never posted a cleaned up version, and yes, I'm aware of the typos; the "you're" instead of "your" toward the end sort of kills me a little bit inside when I see it): http://sherlockbbc-fic.livejournal.com/7277.html?thread=35959149#t35959149


Re: I'm claiming this... please vote from the list below nejem July 17 2011, 16:25:37 UTC
Fear of clocks could be scarily fascinating, I'd love to read that *_* But I'll take anything that gets voted, really interested in this fill! :)


Re: I'm claiming this... please vote from the list below anonymous July 17 2011, 17:23:20 UTC
You know, I could really see Sherlock as being afraid of being locked in an enclosed space.

I think it's the being unable to get out more than anything which would bother him, and of course it's the sort of situation that people like to joke about or play "harmless" pranks around, too.


Re: I'm claiming this... please vote from the list below anonymous July 17 2011, 17:27:41 UTC
I can also see somebody deciding to lock him in somewhere for a laugh and then being shocked when they realise he's is actually having a panic attack...

Either way, whatever you choose, I can't wait for this fic! :)


Re: I'm claiming this... please vote from the list below anonymous July 17 2011, 17:54:30 UTC
op here, also voting for claustrophobia, although the fear of mirrors could be interesting too...

And going to read your other fill right now!


*facepalm* sudipal July 17 2011, 20:00:49 UTC
^Just realized that in the RTYI part, I wrote mice instead of spiders for some reason... *facepalm*


Re: I'm claiming this... please vote from the list below kitchenmycup July 17 2011, 20:23:30 UTC
Another vote for Claustrophobia/Cleisiophobia. All that moving around he does, dramatic flailing he does? It would make a lot of sense for him to be afraid of it.


The polls are in! anonymous July 18 2011, 11:37:09 UTC
Looks like claustrophobia has won out.

Not sure when I'll finish this fic now- if not this week, then next week.


^Why did I just anon that???^ sudipal July 18 2011, 11:38:37 UTC
too early in the morning...


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