Sticky Post

Mar 15, 2012 21:55

Welcome to the BBC Sherlock kink meme! We are pleased to have you here, but before you start browsing and prompting, please take a moment to read this post; it could make your experience more enjoyable.

For any and all questions, comments, or concerns regarding any part of the meme, use the Page-A-Mod post.

General guidelines:
  • Anon posting is not required, but most definitely allowed. If you think you recognise an anon, don’t out them.
  • All kinds of fills are accepted! Fic, art, vids, cosplay, interpretive dance--whatever. Go wild! :D
  • Keep things neat! Read prompts before you post to see if something similar has already been done, and while you are encouraged to prompt as much as you like, try to fill as well.
  • ONE posting of each prompt every TWO part.
  • RPF (real person fic, i.e. fic involving the actors themselves) is not supported at this meme.
  • Do not post new prompts during a prompt freeze. However, fill as much as you want.
  • Multiple fills are encouraged! :) Just because a prompt has already been claimed or written by someone, do not be afraid to offer up a second fill.
  • Please refrain from highjacking a prompt.
  • When you fill a prompt, please use the appropriate Filled Prompt post to archive your fill.
  • Don't be disrespectful or hurtful to others. Kindness can go a long way. If you don’t have anything nice or constructive to say, don’t say it.
Our other posts:
  • Chatter post: This is a place for all sorts of off-topic discussion. You can also use it to find a beta, or ask a brit-pick-ish question.
  • Love post: To complement the rant post, share the love!
  • Searching post: This is the place where you can request help finding something: recs, fics, prompts, etc.
  • Concrit post: This is an entirely optional and opt-in constructive criticism post.
  • Story Announcement post: This post is specifically for announcing your new stories and linking to them off-meme.
  • Orphan post: This is a place where you can post your WIPs that you don't plan to finish, with the hopes that someone will pick up where you left off.
  • Friending Meme: Meet new people and make some friends.
Other places:
  • sherlock_rant: It was created for kinkmeme users to be able to rant in a safe place, without disrupting the peace over here.
  • sherlock_rpf: This is a kinkmeme for RPF about the show.
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