This post is basically for any and all questions, comments, or concerns regarding any part of the meme. Users can post here to get in touch with the mods without de-anoning. You can also PM one of us, or the meme’s account, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
The mods for this meme are:
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Please refrain from hijacking a prompt. Hijacking may be defined as responding to a prompt by taking a portion of it and adding your own ideas about what should be added, changed or eliminated. In addition, commenting with off topic jokes or chatter.
By hijacking, the focus of the prompt can be lost, and innapropriate threads created. By doing this fillers may be discouraged which is something no one wants to experience.
If a prompt leads you to an original idea, please create your own prompt. The chatter or love posts are the proper places to share jokes or talk about prompts that have inspired you.
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