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Crossover: Sherlock and World War Z.
Bonus points if Sherlock is unable to accept what it is they're dealing with, and John has to shout at him that when you've eliminated the impossible whatever remains, even if it's fucking zombies, must be the truth.
Extra bonus points if you can get any combination of our heroes, hiding out from the enemy, “comforting” each other. (Except Holmescest, which is one of my squicks.)
Extra extra points to see Mycroft, Z-bitten and knowing he's infected, having to explain to Sherlock that he'd rather get the boom!headshot now, so no one else is at risk. And if it turns out Sherlock can't do it and John has to, I will knit you socks.
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
[Colonel John H. Watson, M.D. is of no more than medium height, and still carries traces of his Army past: his fair hair is cut short, and there are hints of a military bearing in his upright posture, although he walks with a slight limp. He wears a patch over his right eye. He sits across from me, but more often gazes out the window. He speaks hesitantly, with long pauses between phrases.]
I’m … sorry. I can’t promise this will go well or easily. Before the - before this war, but after I came back from Afghanistan, I saw a therapist for a bit. I annoyed the hell out of her, because I’d arrange an appointment and then sit for an hour without speaking.
Take your time. The recorder’s digital, so it’s not as if we’re wasting tape.
[He smiles faintly. After a long moment, he begins again.]
The biggest - the first big mistake we made, he and I, was holing up in our flat rather than making a run for it. Our ( ... )
Something changed in the room, then. I took a step forward, but neither of them noticed. Mycroft took a Webley from his trouser pocket and put it on the table between them. “I’m infected, you see,” he said, as matter-of-factly as if he were saying, it’s raining, or turn up the television. “I don’t want to risk further spread, and can’t be sure of doing sufficient damage with only a single shot. May I trouble you ( ... )
[Again there is a very long silence.]
Finally, after an hour or so, he said, very quietly, “Thank you. I wouldn’t have been able.” That’s all he said, and I couldn’t think of any answer. Not the sort of thing one says “You’re welcome” to, you know? And that’s the only time we ever spoke of it.
I’m - sorry. Perhaps we could continue this tomorrow? I’m - not doing very well, I’m afraid.
You’re doing fine. I’d like to continue now, if it’s all right. While we’re on the thread.
[He shifts slightly in his ( ... )
And you made it through the night.
We did. We made it through the night.
[The question is impossible. He eyes me, and then speaks pleasantly:]
That is none of your damned business, Mr. Brooks. And you may put that on the record.
You’re absolutely right. I apologize and withdraw the question. So, the next morning …?The next morning, we got on our way at first light. And by noon, we’d reached the castle ( ... )
JW: Does this … signify something?
SH: Of course it does! And don’t give me that about how “a difference that makes no difference is no difference.” Every difference makes a difference, simply by virtue of being a difference! For one thing, we might be able to trigger mutations, and in time to control them. And for another - if I can trace the pattern, the spread of the different strains, I might be able to trace it back. All the way back, to the beginning.
[I clear my throat]
Er, Mr. Holmes, I’ve interviewed Kwang Jingshu, and I thought it was pretty well established that he’d identified Patient Zero.
[Still absorbed in his work, Mr. Holmes spares me the briefest withering glance]
SH: Even in the States, Mr. Brooks, I thought it was also pretty well established that a number line stretches in both directions from the zero point. What do you get if you subtract two from one? Solanum did not magically, ( ... )
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The characters are spot on and the plot is awesome too.
Any chance of a sequel? :D *hint hint*
Also, if anyone's interested -- this may never appear in any story, but I do know exactly what happened between Sherlock and John in that burned-out house, after Sherlock took the zombie out.
I loved this!!
Where will you be posting when extended? I'm a little curious to find out what happened between John and Sherlock that night :3
The extended version of the interview might be on my own LJ, when finished. It doesn't have that scene, but does have more Sherlock (a friend suggested, and quite rightly, that Brooks be subjected to the Sherlock Scan) and may have more Mycroft.
Keep an eye out in the Story Announcements thread. B-)
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