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Rapunzel anonymous December 4 2010, 07:32:02 UTC
Rapunzel!Sherlock. Because how BORED would he get locked in a tower his whole life?! It would explain his social awkwardness and limited knowledge of what is "not good." Prince Charming!John has to come save him and guide him through the normal world.

-- (P.S. I don't mind if you gender-switch.)

Or, if you want to go based off of Disney's new movie, Tangled, (can you guess what I just saw?) John would work better as Rapunzel and Sherlock would make a great Flynn Rider. Especially since

-MILD SPOILERS- (you learn this really early on in the movie)

Rapunzel has magic healing hair, and John's a doctor.


Re: Snarled 4b/? delicateflower8 January 3 2011, 15:26:41 UTC
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF! What is this?! I get distracted for 3 days and come back and find 2 new chapters?! Oh, it's Christmas! <3 Wonderful chapter, my dear! I love Sherlock's version of self expression. And the way he earned it! lol I'd say "poor Mycroft, he has to put up with so much," but then again, he kind of deserves it for keeping Sherlock locked up. lol Now, off to read the next chapter! *zooms*


Re: Snarled 4b/? mitsuruaki January 4 2011, 03:10:23 UTC
Only for you, dearest OP~ XD I figured painting would still be one of a few activities Mycroft would allow, especially if it distracted Sherlock from his experiment (which Mycroft knows about, of course he does). And the series shows Sherlock is definitely not above vandalizing his own place of residence. Lol! If Mycroft had to take care of Rapunzel, he'd probably be thrilled after living with Sherlock, because she's about eleventy billion times easier to handle. =D


Snarled 5a/? mitsuruaki January 3 2011, 03:37:43 UTC

Hope everyone had an awesome new year! We finally get to follow John a bit here, so I hope you guys like this. Also, winter quarter starts tomorrow, and my classes are going to keep me super busy for a while. *cries* But I will try to keep this going somewhat regularly. I WILL TRY. Just please be your lovely, patient selves because I shall not abandon you, I swear. :D
“You know, I don’t think we’ve had a day this fine in a long while ( ... )


Snarled 5b/? mitsuruaki January 3 2011, 03:43:16 UTC
His descent was steady and surprisingly soundless, so John couldn’t help but peer around curiously as the distance between him and his target rapidly vanished. The place was wide, airy, and lavishly decorated with paintings of the Royal Family and overly plush carpets that all rich people seemed to favour. His end of the room was protected by an eight man line of the Royal Guard’s brightest and most attentive-he snickered internally here-with their backs to the very object they were meant to be protecting. Shrouded in morning sunlight, the lost Prince’s crown gleamed and glittered and begged not to be left alone on a pillowed pedestal for nary a second longer. John was only too happy to oblige it ( ... )


Re: Snarled 5b/? ningen_demonai January 3 2011, 04:16:36 UTC
Pfft. Oh John. It's interesting to see this version of him and how it fits into the Rapunzel world. :>


Re: Snarled 5b/? mitsuruaki January 3 2011, 04:28:31 UTC
Yes~, John's a little different here, especially at first. For one, he's around a decade younger than he is in Sherlock, and his history is a lot different. It's fun writing him. XD

He should be encountering Sherlock soon: not the next part, but the one after. And then they will be SherlockandJohn forever! Because those two can never meet and not turn each other's world upside down. =D


Re: Snarled 5b/? ningen_demonai January 3 2011, 05:09:50 UTC
Hahah, yesss. I can't wait!


Re: Snarled 5b/? delicateflower8 January 3 2011, 15:45:30 UTC
BAHAhahahaha! OMG, I'm used to loving John, but THIS John! This John takes the cake! I love how you changed his character just enough to make him fill the role without losing John completely. ^_^ He's adorable and quippy! <3 And the background as a rogue guard? Wonderful!

There was nothing like a good adrenaline rush before breakfast. “What’s the harm in a little game of chase? Honestly, look at what we’ve accomplished and it’s not even eight in the morning!”
This ^ was SO PERFECT! It is so completely a younger John! Fantastic chapter!

Good luck with the start of winter quarter! I'll be waiting (im)patiently for the next part! <3


Re: Snarled 5b/? mitsuruaki January 4 2011, 03:46:29 UTC
The nice thing with John is that he can still say completely flippant things, like Flynn, but he doesn't necessarily have to be dramatic about it. Flynn's more 'hmm, how can I make this about me?' whereas John here has more of a malfunctioning brain-to-mouth filter and just doesn't care. It's a little difficult trying to compromise between John's personality and Flynn's character, though. XD

Oh, winter quarter...I have biology (which I love) and chemistry (which I despise. Hopefully they'll balance each other out?) so I will actually need to spend my time studying. *shudders* And for chem, I've been dropped in the second half of a series I haven't had for over a year, so I really should be reviewing right now. >_>;; When classes are in session, I generally do most of my writing during class. However, those are two classes I can't afford to not pay attention in, so that just halved my writing time right there. T_T But I will write when I can, at the very least because it's bad for my mental health when I don't--I get very depressed ( ... )


Re: Snarled 5b/? nox_candida January 4 2011, 03:53:15 UTC
lol, I'm loving how you're writing John. He's a blast to read--he was already my favorite character, and now you've just made him that much better. I think it's interesting that you've cast Donovan and Anderson in the roles as his "accomplices," which leads me to wonder when Lestrade might pop up on the scene (could this be part of his history in the guards that you hinted at?--which I loved, btw). This chapter just makes me so excited to see John and Sherlock's meeting--however, I understand all about schoolwork coming first (unfortunately). Those days are not long gone for me, and I had quarters, too, so I feel your pain about how fast they fly. Good luck! :)


Re: Snarled 5b/? mitsuruaki January 4 2011, 05:26:21 UTC
Thank you! I've already mentioned to you that John can be difficult for me to write, but smartass and snarky come naturally to me (lol) so this makes it much easier. ^_^ Lestrade (and someone else ;D) will indeed be coming on the scene soon, and will actually play a larger and markedly different role than his counterpart in Tangled.

I am looking forward to Sherlock and John's meeting! lol. And all these lovely comments make me want to ditch class entirely and just write all day. =D Sadly, that's not how one successfully gets through college. If I thought for one second I could make a living writing, I'd drop out in a heartbeat. Also, I'm used to semesters, not quarters, so I'm still adapting.

So thanks. :) I'll need all the luck I can get!


Snarled 6a/? mitsuruaki January 6 2011, 00:02:49 UTC

So, uh...discovered I'm a bit in over my head in chemistry. From the first day. So I'm teaching myself part A of the class while learning part B, and I'm already stressed. Yay. You can all thank onedergirl29 for this part, as she pointed out if I was going to waste my time by pointedly not studying and writing obnoxiously long emails, why the hell wasn't I writing? She didn't say it in those words, but still. Why the hell indeed? Touché, madam! Also, do not be alarmed to discover that this story has suddenly discovered section breaks. THIS IS PERFECTLY NORMAL AND THEY SHOULDN'T HARM ANYONE. As long as you don't feed them.
Sherlock had been painting for about two hours when the bell downstairs started ringing ( ... )


Snarled 6b/? mitsuruaki January 6 2011, 00:04:36 UTC
A lie, and Mycroft knew it. They were stubborn men. Stubborn men don’t change their minds; they just come up with other ways to occupy themselves until they get what they want. And that’s not even mentioning sneaky stubborn men ( ... )


Re: Snarled 6b/? nox_candida January 6 2011, 00:57:25 UTC
It was a gentle hint reminder, that's all. :P

Turns out I was right, because this section is awesome. I'm such a sucker for Sherlock and Mycroft bantering and being snarky at each other, and you've done a marvelous job illustrating the tension between them. So many great lines here, too, although Mycroft has the majority of them (his bland "All of it?" response to Sherlock saying his glassware needs to be replaced and the wry bit about Sherlock needing to practice self control are both lovely :) ).

And now, the scene is set for the meeting between John and Sherlock (well, almost. John's got to outwit Sally and Anderson, which shouldn't be too difficult ;) ).

I can't wait for the next bit, though I can (reluctantly) acknowledge that school comes first. Or something. ;)


Re: Snarled 6b/? mitsuruaki January 7 2011, 23:02:47 UTC
I always love hearing how awesome I am my sections are! ;D I tend to be a sucker for banter in general, and there's nothing like sibling bantering. Lol. And yes, lots of tension between them. I've really put Mycroft in a difficult position here. He's trying to do what he thinks is best even if it means destroying his relationship with Sherlock--it's not as though he can't see the effects his isolation is having on him.

John is busy outwitting Sally and Anderson as we speak, and school only comes first when I become terrified I'm actually failing a class. :P I have finished reading ch. 1 of chem text (we're supposed to be reading ch. 10...) and I already feel less overwhelmed! So hurrah! >_>;;


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