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Sherlock and John are already in a relationship when John gets deployed to Afghanistan anonymous January 1 2011, 18:09:11 UTC
So, there have been a lot of AU stories and a lot of playing around with Sherlock's and John's timeline. There have been some that dealt specifically with them meeting each other earlier than in the show and some that goes all the way back to them meeting as children. What never gets touched on, however, is what the two of them would have been like if they had met earlier and had to deal with the separation that John's chosen career would have forced on them.

Writer-anons, please show us how they would both have reacted to John's time-consuming commitments and inevitable deployment to Afghanistan. Sexytimes may be applied as needed.


Re: Sherlock and John are already in a relationship when John gets deployed to Afghanistan anonymous January 1 2011, 18:16:49 UTC
I love this idea anon!


Also, I'd love to see some worried!Sherlock waiting for messages from John and later, them dealing with John's injury.


Re: Sherlock and John are already in a relationship when John gets deployed to Afghanistan sarlania January 2 2011, 12:22:18 UTC
God I would love to see this. Great idea anon!!!!


Fill: Welcome Back 1/? revolution25 January 2 2011, 20:02:09 UTC
A/N: this is the first section, I'll finish with the rest soon.

John’s bag sat by the door to Sherlock’s flat. Sherlock kept looking at it as if it were possessed, or carried some bad energy. Not that he would ever believe something so nonsensical, but when it came to John’s bag it might actually be true.

“You need to get a job,” John smiled.

“Of course I won’t, what a boring idea.” Sherlock was in his usual chair not looking at John.

“You’ll be bored if you don’t. You could take that job Mycroft offered.”

“And work for him? I think not.” Sherlock was looking at the scull on the table, still refusing to meet John’s eyes ( ... )


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 2/? revolution25 January 2 2011, 20:03:13 UTC
21 June ( ... )


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 3/? revolution25 January 2 2011, 20:04:23 UTC
12 April
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

Don’t make me come over there.


23 April
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

Mycroft wont let me, stopped me from getting on three boats, six trains, and four flights.

Sometimes I think you’re working with him, but then you’d have to TALK and apparently you cannot do that anymore.

I hate you both.


6 January
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

You’ve made this the loneliest day of the year.

If I never met you I’d never have to feel this.

I wish you were never born.


23 August
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

Why did you go away?



Re: Fill: Welcome Back 4/? revolution25 January 2 2011, 20:05:46 UTC
6 January
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

I have your picture, but I’m forgetting your smile. It doesn’t seem quite right in the photo and I don’t know why.


24 December
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

I feel lost.


4 June
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

I don’t feel right in my own skin. I don’t know why, so I’ll just blame you.


6 January
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

Have you fallen in love with some woman? Is that why you don’t have the guts to ANSWER ME?

Or maybe it was a man. I know you said you don’t like men, only me, but I’m sure that’s a lie just like everything else you’ve ever said.


24 December
To: JHWatson@yahoo.co.uk
From: SH@thescienceofdeduction.co.uk
Subject: (No Subject)

Did you ever love me?

I love you. Still.

I’ll always hate you for that.



Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? revolution25 January 2 2011, 20:08:24 UTC
6 January ( ... )


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? anonymous January 2 2011, 20:35:28 UTC
My heart's breaking.


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? anonymous January 2 2011, 21:59:59 UTC
You made me cry ;-; Poor Sherlock! *huggles him* But what's up with John?


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? anonymous January 2 2011, 22:56:41 UTC
This is heartbreaking indeed. (Although since they started out using yahoo and yahoo emails are universally flagged as spam by my ISP, the thought that all Sherlock's emails had landed in John's spam-trap crossed my mind and I had to lol)


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? margi_lynn January 3 2011, 04:10:12 UTC
That would be so horrible! I had this happen (thankfully not with something as important) and now I religiously check my spam folders too. Though that would seem to be redundant, LOL.


OP anon here anonymous January 3 2011, 17:28:49 UTC
First of all, let me just tell you that I literally squeed (is that even a word? lol) with glee when I saw that this had been filled. This is absolutely fantastic! And my heart got progressively more achey as I read Sherlock's messages. Oh my God, what could have happened? Poor Sherlock. I love that you've made him so devoted and literally unable to erase John from his life. Oh, let's hope John has a good explanation for it all. I'm in love with this, dear author. Thank you very much! Will now be checking obsessively for updates.

P.S. Sorry for the late response. RL has been impossibly hectic since the start of the new year and this was the first chance I had to get on the computer.


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? anonymous January 5 2011, 17:54:12 UTC
Please tell me you're going to finish this? I got to know what happens next! :D


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? anonymous January 6 2011, 19:54:41 UTC
Oh nonononononono!
Im hurting for Sherlock!
A million times please continue... this is perfect and beautiful and heartbreaking.


Re: Fill: Welcome Back 5/? elgraves January 7 2011, 03:06:08 UTC
This is very sad. I wonder why john never replied.


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