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AU Meeting anonymous February 28 2011, 21:52:48 UTC
“Who’s on forensics?”


“Anderson won’t work with me.”

“He might tonight. Probably keep a civil tongue in his head, too. New head of forensics is on site to observe. Bloke named Watson.”


Fill Continuation (h / i) stickstockstone June 11 2011, 20:02:28 UTC
Sherlock manages to hold onto John's arm until he is forced to let go upon entering the taxi. The elaborate excuses he comes up with to reattach himself are flimsy at best, so he instead shifts his attention to the fact that he and John are in very close quarters ( ... )


Fill Continuation (i / i) stickstockstone June 11 2011, 20:03:44 UTC
The space between the two of them has apparently been halved by both Sherlock and John, which is marvelous for a number of reasons, none of which he can fully articulate because John chooses that moment to lick his lips again.

"Did I?"

The reply is mumbled, and not the wittiest of comments, but Sherlock is in no position to judge as he can't even seem to answer. He can't say yes, it's written on the first page of your notes, listed as an item found on the victim at the time of discovery, because John is closer still and Sherlock finds himself utterly distracted by John's lovely eyelashes, just a shade darker than his enchanting blond hair, helpfully displayed because John is tilting his head upwards, and easily examined because Sherlock is tilting his head down and ( ... )


Fill Continuation (epilouge) stickstockstone June 11 2011, 20:05:09 UTC
When Lestrade flicks the light in his office on the next morning, he briefly wonders about the reproduction habits of paperwork. Asexual, perhaps, the letters on a page dividing in two, the words splitting, the paragraphs doubling, until an entire separate sheet pops off? Perhaps they mate, forms sliding and rustling and oh God what is he thinking about ( ... )


this is the cutest thing ever omg ningen_demonai June 11 2011, 20:25:29 UTC

Like full out, ring-carrying, knee-bending love



Re: Fill Continuation (epilouge) alex_lebeau June 11 2011, 22:17:10 UTC
That. Was. Hilarious.


Re: Fill Continuation (epilouge) darushi_chan June 11 2011, 22:49:27 UTC
Probably the best "lunch" either of them has ever had...^_~

I loved the whole story--how light and fun it was. Thank you for finishing it!


Re: Fill Continuation (epilouge) anonymous June 12 2011, 02:22:08 UTC
Haha! This story was so much fun!


Re: Fill Continuation (epilouge) anonymous June 12 2011, 03:23:17 UTC
OMG the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed!

what are the reproductive habits of fluff? Asexual, bits of fluff dividing in half thus creating two bits of fluff? Or is it one prompt begets one fill in the medium of a kinkmeme? Hmmm, needs investigating...


Re: Fill Continuation (epilouge) booffra June 12 2011, 12:05:40 UTC
Oh God, this was so gorgeous and made me LOL a number of times. Am so glad to see it finished. Can't wait for it to all be in one piece on your journal so I can enjoy it again.


Re: Fill Continuation (epilouge) anonymous September 4 2011, 20:36:40 UTC
Omg this is so cute! I'm late to the party, but just wanted to say how much I adore Sherlock's awkward courtship attempts and Forensic!John.


Links! stickstockstone June 13 2011, 14:39:29 UTC
For anyone interested, both fics can be found at my journal:

Untitled Forensics John Fic

and it's continuation:

The Inconsequential Death of Mr. Stevens


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