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Fill: The First Lesson 1/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous April 28 2011, 02:21:34 UTC
No. I absolutely did not write this (by hand) while at work today. Why would you even ask that?


John hadn't understood, at first, why Mycroft had chosen an amphitheater with a boxing ring at its center for this event. The ring had seemed too small for the number of men involved and the spectator seating too exposed. But now, as he leaned forward in his seat to watch the fifth - no, sixth - of Sebastian Moran's men bury himself hilt deep inside of Sherlock's ass, he conceded that Mycroft had chosen well. Sitting ringside, John was able to see each drop of sweat and hear each man's groan ( ... )


Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous April 28 2011, 02:22:35 UTC
"I suppose then," Mycroft said, "Colonel Moran may give his men permission for, uh ( ... )


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) slashykink April 28 2011, 02:28:38 UTC
...... Omg.

I should not love this. Poor, poor Sherlock.

Yet I love it.

Also, nice touch with including Lestrade. :D


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous May 2 2011, 23:25:00 UTC
Thank you! <3

I wanted Lestrade involved somehow but I almost *can't* write him as "dark"... so he got owned (literally) instead...


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) darthhellokitty April 28 2011, 03:12:20 UTC
My GOD, that is brutal. Dark!John AND Dark!Mycroft, watching Sherlock being destroyed. And poor Lestrade...


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous April 28 2011, 23:12:23 UTC
Jesus fucking Christ! I think that's the hottest thing I've ever read. You just took all my buttons and damn near pushed them through the wall.

If you wanted to write nothing but this 'verse for the rest of time I would happily live in my bunk, reading.


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous April 30 2011, 05:02:46 UTC
Oh, so messed up. I love it. And it's in a boxing ring, OMG. Thank you, anon!


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous May 1 2011, 16:39:13 UTC
This is mindbendingly hot and so, so deliciously wrong.


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) darthhellokitty May 1 2011, 23:17:58 UTC
If this is the first lesson... will there be others?


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous May 2 2011, 23:26:57 UTC
A!Anon: To be honest smut does *not* come naturally for me. (Especially when there are twenty eight men involved - my god the pronouns.) No promises about any more Sherlock but, if I can swing it, I will try to write something with Lestrade.


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) darthhellokitty May 2 2011, 23:35:30 UTC
To be honest smut does *not* come naturally for me

You could have fooled me! This was amazing.


Re: Fill: The First Lesson 2/2 (NC-17. Non-Con) anonymous May 2 2011, 23:55:56 UTC
I will try to write something with Lestrade.



FILL: Lessons Learned 1 (Dub-con, gangbang) anonymous May 5 2011, 04:26:38 UTC
Warning: This picks up a little after "The First Lesson" left off but, narratively, this doesn't quite jive with that story. Also, the tenses jump all over the place. Can we uh... ignore the logical contradictions in favor of porn ( ... )


FILL: Lessons Learned 2 (Dub-con, gangbang) anonymous May 5 2011, 04:27:22 UTC
"You want us?" The man in front of Lestrade asks. He pushes his friends aside, pulls Lestrade in close. "You want me?" The man is pressed flush against Lestrade, his erection smearing other men's cum all over Lestrade's stomach. If he could, Lestrade would punch the man in the mouth. As it is, he knows what will happen if he doesn't play along and placate. The man, Cameron, is taller than Lestrade which is a good thing because it allows Lestrade to cast him a coy, practiced, come-hither glance through his lashes. It's a look he's used often of late. He couples it with the same eager, hungry smile he'd used on the ambassador in the car. Cameron likes it better than a verbal answer, or at least, Lestrade thinks he does because the next thing he knows he's on his back and the man's cock is shoving into his ass.

The first thrust is brutal. All stretch and burn and christ but Lestrade had forgotten the man's sheer girth. It's only practice that keeps him from crying out, lack of breath that prevents him from groaning. When he squeezes ( ... )


Re: FILL: Lessons Learned 1 (Dub-con, gangbang) anonymous May 5 2011, 04:27:56 UTC
"Go on then!" Mitchell fists a hand in his hair and pulls, until Lestrade is hanging from his hand like a marionette. "Come on!" Shaking slightly, Lestrade swings a leg over Sherlock and, with Samuel's hand guiding Sherlock's cock, Lestrade sank down onto him.

He groaned. He couldn't help but groan. He had wanted this, once. He rocked a little, letting Sherlock rub against him, inside, just the way he liked.

"He never looks like that when he's riding you." Someone said, an whoever it was directed to cuffed the man across the back of the head. Lestrade didn't have to wonder how he looked. Obscene most likely, fucking himself on an unconscious man who had just been raped. Whose rape he had helped arrange who -. Lestrade shut that part of his mind off ( ... )


^^^ That was part 3 anonymous May 5 2011, 04:28:52 UTC


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