Sherlockmas 2013 Holiday Exchange: Information and Sign-Ups

Nov 01, 2013 12:01

Welcome to the 2013 Holiday Exchange Information and Sign-Up Post!

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Sign-ups for the 2013 Sherlockmas holiday exchange are now closed. You can still offer to pinch-hit by filling out the Creating section of the template below and commenting on this post.

As always if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to direct them to the mod email - - or the contact post!

  • Nov. 1 - Sign-ups open
  • Nov. 8 - Sign-ups close
  • Nov. 12 - Assignments sent out
  • Dec. 18 - Fanworks due
  • Dec. 19 - Assignments sent to pinch-hitters
  • Dec. 21 - Posting begins
  • Jan. 5 - Reveal
  • After sign-ups close, you will be matched by the mods with another participant who requested the sort of fic you offered to produce. (Assignments are secret, so be sure not to give away your indentity before author reveals!)

  • You must respond to your assignment email within seven days (Nov. 19). Please respond to your assignment e-mail, or leave a comment on the Mod Contact Post, letting us know you got your assignment! (Failure to do so means your recipient will be re-assigned to a pinch hitter.)

  • Your fanwork must be at least 1,000 words, or an equivalent effort for artists, mixers, vid-makers, or podficcers. It must also be based (to the best of your ability) on your recipient's sign-up information.

  • Fanworks are due on the 18th of December! If we haven't heard from you by then, your assignment will be re-assigned to a pinch hitter.

  • Keep the secret of which fanwork is yours until author reveals! This means that fanworks may not be posted elsewhere (even flocked) before the reveal date. After that date, fanworks may be posted/archived wherever you like. (Please note that fanworks will remain on the sherlockmas community website as a part of the fest!)

  • The most important thing when participating in an exchange is to create something you're proud of! Let the prompts your recipient provided inspire you, and use that inspiration to play to your strengths. You don't have to include all of the details from their sign-up: most of them are there to provide you with variety, not as a laundry list of elements that must be included. Pay special attention to your recipient's squicks and triggers, and don't include in your story anything they specified they don't like, even a a minor element.

  • Finally, some hard and fast rules: (1) No bashing of characters, kinks, or pairings; (2) Fanworks should not contain any elements the participant listed as a squick or a trigger; (3) Fanworks should include at least one character or pairing requested. Fics that break any of these rules will be counted as a default and will not be posted.
Information about headers and turning in your fanworks will be provided closer to the due date; you may wish to review our warnings policy now.

To take part, copy and paste the template provided below into a new comment on this post. Please take especial note of the new word-count minimum in the 'I like these kinds of fanworks' section.

Please avoid any character-bashing or kink-shaming in your sign-up! Keep your tone neutral to positive - this community prides itself on being both kink-positive and gen-positive. Any and all ratings, tastes, and preferences are welcome in this fest: from G-rated fluff to NC-17 kink. General rules for requests are that they must be based on characters from BBC's Sherlock, and may not involve RPF/RPS of the actors. Crossovers are allowed! Please include in your sign-up the canons you're willing to read and/or write.

Prompts and fanworks are not required to be holiday-themed, but holiday themes are welcome! Make as many winter/Christmas/Hanukkah/whathaveyou prompts as you like.


Username: (your username - anonymous entries need not provide)
Email: (You may PM or email (to your email address if you don't want to provide it here, or leave an alterantive method of contact on the Mod Contact Post)

Receiving (This is what you want someone to write for you.)
Category: (Slash, Femslash, Het, Gen, Multi (Poly))
Fanwork category: (Fic, art, graphics, vids, mixes, podifc)
Preferred rating(s): (i.e. "NC-17", "G-only", "G to R", "Any and all!" etc.)
Characters: (list the characters you're interested in reading about.)
Pairings: (If you only want gen fic, write 'none')
Kinks and Tropes I Enjoy: (List not only kinks, but tropes like: kid!fic, apocafic, AUs, MPreg, schmoop, angst, hurt/comfort, etc.)
Squicks, Triggers, and DNWs: (What you don't want to receive. Think sensibly about what is likely to crop up, and avoid kink-shaming!)
I like these kinds of fanworks: (PLEASE NOTE: THIS SECTION REQUIRES A MINIMUM WORD COUNT OF 100 WORDS. Give a general description of the kind of fanwork you'd like to receive - what do you enjoy? What interests you? Just tell your fanwork creator a little bit about you so they have something to go on.)
Crossovers? (If you would like a crossover, please provide the canons you would like to see crossed-over with Sherlock.)
Prompts: (Please provide at least two and no more than seven prompts for fics you'd like to read!)

Creating (This is what you are willing to write for someone else.)
Willing to pinch hit? Yes or no. (See note for pinch hitters at the end of the sign-up post.)
Fanwork category: (Fic, art, graphics, vids, mixes, podifc)
Categories I will write: (Slash, Femslash, Het, Gen, Multi (Poly))
Ratings: (G, PG, R, NC-17, Any/All)
Characters: (Your favorite characters to write about.)
Pairings: (gen-only writers, write 'none'.)
Kinks and Tropes: (List the kinks and tropes you're willing to write.)
I will not write: (List any characters, scenarios, tropes, etc. you will not write.)
This is what I like to write: (Give a general description of your strengths as a writer, and the kind of fics you like to write.)
Crossovers? (If you are willing to write a crossover, please provide the canons you are willing/able to write crossovers for.)

Username: (your username - anonymous entries need not provide)
Email: (You may PM or email (to your email address if you don't want to provide it here, or leave an alterantive method of contact on the Mod Contact Post)

Category: (Slash, Femslash, Het, Gen, Multi (Poly))
Fanwork category: (Fic, art, graphics, vids, mixes, podifc)
Preferred rating(s): (i.e. "NC-17", "G-only", "G to R", "Any and all!" etc.)
Characters: (list the characters you're interested in reading about.)
Pairings: (If you only want gen fic, write 'none')
Kinks and Tropes I Enjoy: (List not only kinks, but tropes like: kid!fic, apocafic, AUs, MPreg, schmoop, angst, hurt/comfort, etc.)
Squicks, Triggers, and DNWs: (What you don't want to receive. Think sensibly about what is likely to crop up, and avoid kink-shaming!)
I like these kinds of fanworks: (PLEASE NOTE: THIS SECTION REQUIRES A MINIMUM WORD COUNT OF 100 WORDS. Give a general description of the kind of fanwork you'd like to receive - what do you enjoy? What interests you? Just tell your fanwork creator a little bit about you so they have something to go on.)
Crossovers? (If you would like a crossover, please provide the canons you would like to see crossed-over with Sherlock.)
Prompts: (Please provide at least two and no more than seven prompts for fics you'd like to read!)

Willing to pinch hit? Yes or no. (See note for pinch hitters at the end of the sign-up post.)
Fanwork category: (Fic, art, graphics, vids, mixes, podifc)
Categories I will write: (Slash, Femslash, Het, Gen, Multi (Poly))
Ratings: (G, PG, R, NC-17, Any/All)
Characters: (Your favorite characters to write about.)
Pairings: (gen-only writers, write 'none'.)
Kinks and Tropes: (List the kinks and tropes you're willing to write.)
I will not write: (List any characters, scenarios, tropes, etc. you will not write.)
This is what I like to write: (Give a general description of your strengths as a writer, and the kind of fics you like to write.)
Crossovers? (If you are willing to write a crossover, please provide the canons you are willing/able to write crossovers for.)

Pinch hitters are really what makes fests like this work! If someone has to drop out, it's crucial to have people on stand-by who are willing to put together a replacement fic in a relatively short amount of time. (And if you sign up to be one, you will be treated with honor and thanked profusely. :D)

If you think you can pinch hit, just say "Yes" in the appropriate spot in the sign-up template. (You can always say 'no' later if circumstances change!) I'll be contacting pinch hitters as the need arises, but you're likely to get your assignment around the general due-date. Due-dates for pinch hitters will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

If you want to sign up to be a pinch hitter only, and not take part in the rest of the fest: just specify in your sign-up that you are pinch hitting only, and fill out just the "creating" part of the sign-up.


Edit your sign-up as many times as you like, up until sign-ups close on 8 November. If you can't edit your sign-up (because you don't have a paid account, or because someone has replied to it) please leave any changes/clarifications as a reply to your original sign-up. (You don't have to re-paste the whole thing over: just the section(s) you're editing.)

Leave your sign-ups below, and have fun!

sherlockmas 2013, sherlockmas 2013 sign up post, signups

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