Title: No Spring nor Summer Beauty Pairing: Mystrade Prompt: No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace As I have seen in one Autumnal face. Warnings: none
“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace/As I have seen in one autumnal face…”
Mycroft shifts on the grass, leaning his weight onto his right hand.
“I had not realized you enjoyed poety.”
Lestrade smiles absently as he looked up at the other man’s profile, his head cradled in his hands as he reclines in the late afternoon sun.
“Sure. Why not?”
The tailored shoulder of Mycroft’s suit gives a tiny shrug. “Why not indeed?” His lips are pursed as he looks into the middle distance, his elegant sprawl against the tree trunk at odds with the ever-present sharpness of his eyes. “He doth not dig a grave, but build a tomb…”Lestrade laughs aloud, leaning up on his elbows to study the man next to him. The sun is nearing the horizon, and the golden light gilds the bridge of Mycroft’s prominent nose, strikes red from his hair and eyebrows
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As I have seen in one Autumnal face.
Pairing: Mystrade
Prompt: No Spring nor Summer Beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one Autumnal face.
Warnings: none
“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace/As I have seen in one autumnal face…”
Mycroft shifts on the grass, leaning his weight onto his right hand.
“I had not realized you enjoyed poety.”
Lestrade smiles absently as he looked up at the other man’s profile, his head cradled in his hands as he reclines in the late afternoon sun.
“Sure. Why not?”
The tailored shoulder of Mycroft’s suit gives a tiny shrug. “Why not indeed?” His lips are pursed as he looks into the middle distance, his elegant sprawl against the tree trunk at odds with the ever-present sharpness of his eyes. “He doth not dig a grave, but build a tomb…”Lestrade laughs aloud, leaning up on his elbows to study the man next to him. The sun is nearing the horizon, and the golden light gilds the bridge of Mycroft’s prominent nose, strikes red from his hair and eyebrows ( ... )
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