Challenge 36 - Voting - Tie Breaks

Jul 01, 2011 02:43

Behind the cut are two tie-breaks. One for first, second and third place, the other for best crop.

In the first tie-break, put the three icons in order of preference
In the second tie-break, vote for one icon
(Vote for the best icon(s) based on quality, not for the subject, maker, picture used, etc)
If one of the icons is yours you don't have to vote in that tie-break
Don't ask anyone to vote for you
Voting will last approximately 24 hours
Thanks in advance! :)

You can use the following form:

First Place:
Second Place:
Third Place:

Best Crop:

First, Second and Third Place


Best Crop


Two days left to enter: Challenge 37 - Terrible Twos

challenge 36, !voting, !tie breaker

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