TITLE: When Daniel Watches
groovekittieRATING: 13+
SUMMARY: Daniel thinks about the new substitute.
PAIRINGS: Daniel/Vala
DISCLAIMER: They belong to other far richer people than I. I am merely playing with them.
WARNINGS: Season 9 Character introduced
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This was written for
kate98. :)
Daniel watched her move down the hall. And he wasn’t the only one following her destructive path. No, there were others; hormone-laced, pimply faced minors, all watching her retreating … back.
Her hair swung in time to the staccato beat of her high-heeled black leather boots. He felt mesmerized by her. She was certainly not like any substitute teacher he had ever encountered during his tenure at Shermer High. Most were shy, unsure, temporary and unmemorable, while Ms. Vala Maldoran was crass, rude, and overly confident.
Yet, to his chagrin, he found himself hoping she would join the staff full-time.