I'm just assuming I'll get into E77. Otherwise... that's a problem. Hopefully, I'll have time to add on CE98 as well (concrete canoe decal). So yeah... all tech woooo.
Haha! - Re-entered the world today when I threw my digital portfolio CD in Keith Plymale's mailbox at 3PM. ED11A ED11B ARCH100A ARCH100B. Two down, two to go. I should make a Facebook profile with the name "Wurster Studio" just so I can change my relationship status to "It's Complicated With..." I swear, it's an entity of its own. And I just realized I forgot to show this to my studiomates: (from the Cal summer newsletter student advice section)
Last Saturday, got a break from studio though with the Alcatraz Challenge outrigger canoe race at Crissy Field in SF. Freakin nice day, too. Amusing cause the six of us had only done this type of canoeing for like 2 wks just sorta for fun/offseason practice. And we don't actually own a boat; we had to borrow from this club out in Redwood City where we had been practicing. And the guy's trailer broke down on the way to the race, so we had to borrow yet another club's boat. And we didn't know how to set it up ("Ok c'mon we have to get this thing rigged up!" "uhhhhhhhh...."). And we didn't have paddles hehe (had to borrow those too). But that's okay cause we ended up taking 3rd in our little 4+ mile race running somewhere between the Golden Gate and Alcatraz. Yay.