One Year Later: The Borgias 3x09 and 3x10 + Reminiscing

Jun 10, 2014 20:49

On this tragic date last year, the series finale of The Borgias was released on Showtime's videoplayer. ;_; I can't believe it's already been a year since we had the last new material from The Borgias (Jordan's awful fanfiction doesn't count), and the fandom came to a close. Watching GoT especially makes me miss this superior show ( Read more... )

cesare borgia, omgwtfbbq, d00med to ship d00med!ships, sadness, cesare/lucrezia, cesare_lucrezia, cardinal sassypants sforza, the tudors, tv shows, summer 2014, books, music, writer fail, cancelation, squee, game of thrones, review, a song of ice and fire, reading, lucrezia borgia, caterina sforza, the borgias, trevor morris

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Comments 4

redfeu June 11 2014, 13:56:38 UTC
All these Borgias gifs... mourning our show forever. :(


sherrilina June 15 2014, 23:46:30 UTC
Indeed bb, indeed! :(

... )


wheatear June 12 2014, 22:29:27 UTC
They nominated Kit, for real? Virtually every other actor on the show is better than him.


sherrilina June 12 2014, 22:51:59 UTC
HBO did at least submit him for a nomination; hopefully the Emmys won't actually give it to him. But they usually are nonsense (last year they nominated Emilia and like Mr. Bates and the Earl of Grantham from DA), so you never know...but it's so frustrating that they continue to ignore Alfie, who has been givinggiving some of the most standout performances...


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