So not quite as awesome as last week, IMO, and not what I was expecting, but still pretty solid and intense, season 7 continues on a high note! :)
Okay first off, OBVIOUSLY Cas is not really dead, I mean just storytelling wise, this is not going to be it, especially after his vows of redemption, and also it's just such an unclear and weak way to go. Hate the writers all you want, they're not going to do that to Cas, don't be so gullible fandom--he'll get a send-off at least as good as Gabester or Jo/ was nice though seeing the emotion Dean, Sam, and Bobby showed for him though!
Rather, Cas is definitely going to be the "Boss" that the Jimmy Smits!Lookalike Leviathan kept referring to, since the head Leviathan no doubt wanted to keep that sweet body for himself, lol, but maybe hated the coat...;) This would also give new meaning to the 7x01 title "Meet the New Boss"--you think it's referring to Godstiel, but it could really be referring to the Leviathan speaking at the end as well. Obviously Cas's vessel couldn't contain them all, so they had to leak out and take other forms, but the head one could have stayed inside Cas. So look for Leviacas around midseason finale, probably (they haven't gotten near filming that yet, right?).
I mean, I was a bit disappointed that we didn't really get to see any more Crazy!Misha, or really much Cas at all for Misha's last known epp until God(stiel) knows when--he just looked like a pen exploded on him and kind of lamely limped off--but oh well, the Leviathans were interesting enough in their other vessels, and there was of course so much else going on in this epp anyway....I loved the references to Dr. Sexy, lol, and ZOMG WTF BOBBY'S HOUSEEEE I MEAN I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT NOOOO! :( I'm sure Bobby is okay, but still, omg, Dean at the end there! ;_; (I think they'll definitely be dealing with Dean's depression this season, especially with the conversation with Bobby as well in this epp). Cas's trenchcoat btw was totally in the trunk of the Impala, and thus safe and sound from the fire, ready to be returned to Real!Cas when he returns in the end...;)
But moving on to the best storyline of the epp...OMG SAAAAAAMMMM! DDD: AND MARKSHA UNFF YOU FLAWLESS FLAWLESS AMAZING BEING YOU ARE PERFECT AND I LOVE YOU! I mean gah Lucifer was just AMAZING, the way he was so cool and casual, just SITTING THERE READING THE PAPER ON THE COUCH and conversationally saying, "You know, I think Prince William has found the right girl" with that smile, etc, and then his, "Okay, so I'm not real, nobody's perfect...but it doesn't matter" at the end. The creepy ass way he sticks a poker through Bobby right in front of Sam while Bobby talks on, obliviously....CAN HE STAY ALL SEASON PRETTY PLEASE?! :D I mean, maybe less and less as Sam heals but, man it's good to see him again, casting Marksha as Lucifer has to be one of the best casting coups EVER! Just such a ~fabulous man...
And then, let's talk about Sam...poor bb, looking so lost and confused and puppy!eyed, I wanted to give that boy a hug and find him better babysitters than Bobby...:/ (Why didn't they just lock him in the panic room again?) I knew it had to be Lucifer when the first Dean came in, because real!Dean wouldn't have involved him on a hunt like that (and since Sam had the keys in his hand when he got out he obviously did really drive there, it was a Fight Club Type thing clearly). I *loved* the Sam/Dean/(Lucifer) confrontation in the warehouse best of all, such a great brother scene, I mean eww at pressing into Sam's hand, but I loved how Dean was about to reach out to Sam and help him realize that Lucifer wasn't real for sure/make the Lucifer hallucination disappear temporarily, such a touching scene! <333 Loved Dean's speech to Sam so much, and him telling Sam that HE was real and the base to build everything else off of, relating his own experiences of Hell to help much brotherly love! ♥
"This is different, right? Than the crap that’s tearing into your walnut. I’m different, right? Sam. I am your flesh and blood brother. I am the only one who can legitimately kick your ass in real time. You got away. We got you out, Sammy. Believe in that. Believe me, okay? You’ve gotta believe me. You’ve got to make it stone number one and build on it! You understand?"
*melts* Sammy believing saves the day once again! And Dean's faaace too, then and later when he's looking over at Sammy in the ambulance telling him to stay with him!
Anyway, another intense and exciting episode with some great character stuff, and damn next week looks messed up! :p Also I've noticed there's been some good classic music in both of the last two epps ("These Boots are Made for Walking," the water song in 7x02), which pleases me greatly, I hope they keep it up! :D Honestly, I prefer $$ spent on that than on FX even...
Also once again nerded out today in honor of SN by wearing my ~stylish trenchcoat in the evening for Cas (luckily the weather cooperated with my nerdy impulses by being cool enough to need a coat!), and eating a cheeseburger a la Dean...:p