Emmy Fail, Game of Thrones, and a Guess the Ship Meme

Jul 19, 2012 17:03

Ugh once again I find myself angry and disappointed by the Emmy nominations, I don't know why I even bother to expect anything different...*sigh*

[Rant and what I'll be rooting for]My main beef is the way The Borgias once again got snubbed in all of the major categories, especially acting when such average performances as Mr. Bates, Anna, and the Earl of Grantham got recognized, Read more... )

jack/elizabeth, meme, artemis fowl, d00med to ship d00med!ships, summer 2012, tv shows, mitchell/annie, television couples, d00med!shipper for life, jacob/bella, sassy, tumblrrr, downton abbey, harry/hermione, the borgias, battlestar galactica, merlin, jake/cassie, gossip girl, books, artemis/holly, doctor/rose, twilight, ships, doctor who, being human, harry potter, gaius/six, review, game of thrones, arrested development, community, animorphs, reading, supernatural, the vampire diaries, uther/morgana

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Comments 40

blasterboy606 July 19 2012, 21:45:36 UTC
Ugh, yes, Emmy nominations. There's not much you can do about them, although their WAS some good this year! C'mon, Game of Thrones getting repeat nominations (and BIG ones, like you said) is really awesome. HBO trumps their hate of genre shows, which makes me so happy, lol! I've never seen Downtown Abbey because I'm not really into those kind of shows, so I don't know if they deserved all those awards but WOW they got a lot of them.

I think I'm rooting for 30 Rock (because it was hilarious again this season!), Alec Baldwin (although I wouldn't mind Louis C.K. winning), Amy Poehler, Max Greenfield, Merritt Wever, Breaking Bad, Claire Danes, Bryan Cranston, and Anna Gunn for all the major categories. Also: COMMUNITY!!! But it's the Emmys...not much we can do about their stupidity haha

As for the meme, I was stumped on just about all of them. Is #8 Baltar/Six?


sherrilina July 19 2012, 21:54:05 UTC
Downton Abbey is really good (you should check it out!), and addicting, but not THAT good (or those actors nominated aside from Michelle Dockery are not very impressive in their performances), and season 2 had a lot of flaws so nominating it for writing...O_o

And yep correct, it is Gaius/Six! ;) And lol, well there's at least one other one here you should be familiar with, in terms of shows we both have watched in the past...:p


sunnytyler001 July 19 2012, 21:46:04 UTC
1. Nine/Rose
2. Cesare/Lucretia
3. Uther/Morgana???
6. Annie/Mitchell
8. Jaime/Brienne


sherrilina July 19 2012, 21:50:36 UTC
Yes on all of them but the last one! :D (Well #1 is "Doctor/Rose" but yeah close enough! ;)) Congrats! Though lol, now that you mention it #8 does sound like Jaimie/Brienne, although I guess he already loved his sister too?

(Yes, I do ship Uther/Morgana, I choose to ignore the extremely obvious and clumsy Ret-Con in season 3...:p It clearly was never the writers' original intent for Uther and Morgana to be related, and it seems like something they came up with VERY late in the game, like late s2 at the earliest--since Morgause' backstory cited in the one epp makes no sense if Morgana is not Gorlois' child...and frankly IMO they still wrote them with a lot of romantic-like tension in s3 even after they'd decided they were father/daughter! ;)).


fauxkaren July 19 2012, 22:13:12 UTC
From a cursory flip-through ACOK though, did they move all the Jaimie and Brienne stuff from SoS into season 2 then? :s Since I notice they didn't have POV chapters in book 2...

Yeah, they moved the Jaime/Brienne stuff from ASOS up on the show. But there's still more for them to do! It wasn't all moved up. Just some of it.


sherrilina July 19 2012, 22:50:57 UTC
Okay thanks! I can see why they would want to move that around to give the actor more to do in season 2 and allow more space in season 3. Looking forward to seeing the rest.


honeymink July 19 2012, 22:51:53 UTC
Did you watch 'Running Wild'? It was from the same people who made 'Arrested Development'.

Oh my 15 ships? How would I come up with that? *scratches head*


sherrilina July 19 2012, 22:54:49 UTC
No, I have not! What is it about?

And lol, do you not have even 15 ships, or would it be just too hard to only pick that may? :p What can I say, I'm a hopeless shipper...though some were hard to come up with descriptions for so that was a factor in my selection.


honeymink July 20 2012, 21:06:39 UTC
It's about this crazy billionaire who has a daughter with a tree hugger/environmentalist girlfriend and then there are some crazy neighbours. The daughter is a bit like Maeby.

And no, I don't think I could come up with 15 ships. Ten perhaps if I really really try.


rosaxx50 July 20 2012, 00:50:02 UTC
4 reminds me of Gaius/Six, but it doesn't seem to be right. Anna/Jeremy?
5) Blair/Dan?
7) Elizabeth/Jack
9) Jacob/Bella
12) Harry/Hermione
15) Angel/Cordelia?


sherrilina July 20 2012, 01:01:07 UTC
Yay, all correct, well done! :D (I'm especially happy someone got the Jack/Elizabeth one!) And haha yes I deliberately tried to make it sound like Gaius/Six as a fake-out, and to highlight the parallels between them...;) I guess it works better if the G/6 one hasn't already been guessed though!

So you have seen ATS then, yes?


rosaxx50 July 20 2012, 01:52:06 UTC
I haven't actually seen any AtS, but I run across spoilers online all the time, because they're included in discussions about fandom/tv in general.

HOW DID I MISS ARTEMIS/HOLLY? I was just listening to someone talk (unspoilery) about the last book!


sherrilina July 20 2012, 02:05:07 UTC
Oh man well as I'm sure I've told you before, you MUST watch ATS, because it is the best!!! (My favorite show for a while, I love it more than BTVS...which I assume you have seen?). Though lol I was very spoiled about it from being in BTVS fandom first and I still loved it, so...:)

Lol, yep that was one of them! ;) Haven't you not read that far though, as I recall from an earlier conversation? :s And yeah, I need to read this book soon, clearly! In the past I would have snapped that puppy up the day it came out...*sigh*


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