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Aug 31, 2005 00:58

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1) Would kembi be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate. ARRGGH...
2) What color should devilbootz dye their hair? purple
3) Is apathyinboots 1337? I don't believe I have discussed that with him.
4) What is deathclown's favorite movie? My Little Pony's
5) Is thedreamersmask athletic? i'd imagine
6) What is soulerflare's favorite band/artist? i dunno, queen, who doesn't like queen?
7) If apathyinboots commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Lots of people shorter than him, and gnomes would rule the world.
8) Would you wrestle apathyinboots in jello? sounds kinky, i'll bring the whipped cream
9) If apathyinboots was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? A nun. ( ? )
10) What video game does kali_lilitu remind you of? Raize's Hell- seemingly cute and sweet, somewhat violent.
11) Would you set up justin_steph and kembi? i supose, but don't think they'd be each other's type.
12) Thoughts on prettygirl? Fun with naughty things. Showers.
13) Is apathyinboots in a relationship? nope
14) Does bennoir drink? should
15) Have you flirted with persecutedmind? nope, but his woman sure is nice,a nd violent when drunk, me likey
16) Would to_be_freed go out with devilbootz? perhaps, he's easy
17) Is kali_lilitu your best friend? if she were real, yeah, she'd be a handy friend, don't ask
18) Would you make out with bennoir? yup, count your blessings bitch
19) What would you do if you found out justin_steph has a crush on you? wouldn't be too surprised
20) One quality you find attractive in ulariyus? she's cute when she giggles
21) Is dyskrasia an emo? nope
22) Where was prettygirl born? up north i think? didn't expect this to be so hard, damn
23) How would nevi317 kill bennoir? violently and creativly- he's got some pent up anger at the moment
24) Is devilbootz related to you? nope
25) Is xaemyl single? dunno
26) If nevi317 and kembi were spliced together, what would it be like? interesting
27) If to_be_freed took over the world, who would be happy? me, i'd be fucking the guy who took over the world, hell, he thinks he's god as it is
28) Would you ever date deathclown? yeah
29) Is dyskrasia a high school student? no
30) Do you have a crush on prettygirl? i've been beyond the crush stage with her
31) Does kembi have a dog? she has a sugar glider, i want one too, they so cute!
32) When did you last call ashirashadow? don't believe I have ever spoken to her over the phone, i'm not a phone person
33) Where would ashirashadow most like to visit? Amsterdamn, everyone wants to go there
34) What is soulerflare's favorite food? fuck if I know, pizza?
35) If thedreamersmask and devilbootz were spliced together, what would be its name? the dreamersbootz/devilmask
36) Did to_be_freed break up with you? nope, i broke up with him once, and it didn't last very long
37) What word best describes just_breathe? happy
38) What mental disorder does just_breathe remind you of? i'd say ocd
39) If devilbootz were hanging off a cliff, what would ulariyus do? she'd help, she's not mean
40) devilbootz's eye color? plaid
41) Would bennoir and persecutedmind look good together? don't think so
42) Does devilbootz have a crush on dyskrasia? probably not
43) If just_breathe had a superpower, what would it be? the ability to influence stupid politcians
44) What flavor of jello would dyskrasia be? strawberry- infused with vodka
45) How many monkeys could ashirashadow fight at once and win against? i'm going to say 12, however it depends on the monkey
46) What do you agree with just_breathe about? Bush, gay rights, some other stuff
47) If just_breathe took over the world, who would suffer? Bush, and that random person pissing her off.
48) Is prettygirl dead sexy? A sexy beast, GRRR....baby, GRRRR
49) Is thirdeyecrowbar introverted or extroverted? im guessing intro
50) Has devilbootz dyed their hair? who hasn't
51) What would you do if kali_lilitu died? she did, I'd wait for her to make a deal, and come back as a young tattoo artist
52) Is soulerflare popular? i suppose
53) Is justin_steph a college student? yes
54) What song/movie would you recommend to just_breathe? Watch "The Tale of Two Sisters, in you movie group, very good
55) Does dyskrasia know ashirashadow? nopers
56) Does nevi317 smoke? yes, bad Don, bad.
57) Does ashirashadow do drugs? if so, share the love
58) How tall is deathclown? probably taller than me, most are
59) Does dyskrasia have a big secret? how would I know? it's a secret
60) What is to_be_freed allergic to? damn near everything
61) Do apathyinboots and thirdeyecrowbar go to the same school? nope
62) Do you have dyskrasia's screenname? nope
63) What would thirdeyecrowbar think of devilbootz? good things
64) What languages does to_be_freed speak? just english, some naughty words in other languages
65) What is apathyinboots's shoe size? i'm guessing 9 1/2 or 10
66) If bennoir and deathclown were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the ass, just cuz that would make going to the bathroom comical
67) What rank would thedreamersmask have in a giant robot army? general (? )
68) What planet should kembi be from? Uranus....tee hee
69) How long would kali_lilitu dating bennoir last? not long, he's not marcus
70) What would nevi317 give bennoir for his/her birthday? i dunno don's gift giving style
71) Are kali_lilitu and soulerflare going steady? nope
72) Has thirdeyecrowbar been to your house/dorm? nope
73) What would thirdeyecrowbar do differently in your shoes? probably walk a little funny, I wear lots of heels
74) What is ashirashadow's favorite color? i'm guessing black or blue
75) Where did you first meet ashirashadow? school bus
76) One thing you can't stand about thirdeyecrowbar? the 3rd eye is distracting
77) What do you disagree with justin_steph about? not toom much, we see eye to eye on a lot of things
78) Is bennoir a nerd? i dunno
79) Which president would ulariyus be likely to idolize? doesn't seem like the president idolizing type
80) What animal does bennoir remind you of? a turkey (first thing that came to mind)
81) Could you see devilbootz and just_breathe together? i could, my eyes work just fine, not yet blind
82) How would xaemyl conquer the world? with lemmings, lots of lemmings
83) What exotic animal would ulariyus like as a pet? a polar bear
84) What comic book character would prettygirl be? catwoman, i think she could pull off the leather catsuit
85) What is ulariyus's favorite game? vampire
86) Would kali_lilitu and apathyinboots make a good couple? yeah, i think he'd like her, but again you stupid test, she is not real
87) Does nevi317 go to your school? nope
88) Is apathyinboots related to xaemyl? no
89) bennoir's hair color? i dunno
90) Do you think thirdeyecrowbar is hot? could be, don't know
91) Which of your friends should bennoir go out with? ?
92) How long have you known thedreamersmask? a couple years
93) Does to_be_freed travel a lot? nope, much to his dismay
94) Have you ever dated soulerflare? nope
95) What animal should justin_steph be combined with? a cat- she's very feline like
96) Are prettygirl and nevi317 married? nope
97) Are soulerflare and deathclown going out? no, that'd be an odd match
98) What is dyskrasia's biggest flaw? who am i to judge
99) Where was justin_steph born? you asked me that already
100) Is justin_steph friends with bennoir? nope
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