Sometimes my icon posts get rather jammed up with requests to affiliate and I lose the names of the journals I am supposed to add. So, whether you would like to check and see if your name is on here or request to affiliate, this is the post to come to.
teh_indyonlyone_redemptioniconscrashediconsbooster_rocket_rayofhopefopheadtorcheincarnatus_justpaperaleatory_iconsperfectly_bareby_jazzling If you would like to affiliate with this icon journal, please comment here and I will add you. However, you MUST link back to this journal as a returning favor. Also, I will not friend regular journals - if you are interested in getting to know me better, go to my personal journal,
If I have somehow forgotten you and you commented before this post, please remind me. I am sorry and it was most certainly not done on purpose. <3