i have to think of a camp name, a "positive nickname" to use this summer. the girl scout manual suggests "places, objects, foreign words, and characters" as possible choices. probably "princess consuela banana hammock" is inappropriate.
any ideas? suggestions?
also, as much as i love my garden, i've pretty much decided to leave my apartment. my
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Comments 16
road trip
plane ticket
tire (tyre, wheels, wheelz)
AZ (ae-zee)
desert (dry desert, desert rain)
leaf (crinkle leaf, leaf-kicker, autumn leaf)
congrats on the publication!!
plane ticket cracks me up
i think "Leaf" has just ousted "fern" for my "favorite girl name that a husband will never agree to" category.
road trip is very probably my new moniker. thanks!!
i think moving is a good idea. clean everything out, get reorganized, a fresh start.
my roommate may be moving to california in august and i'm bummed. i'll have to find a new roommate so that i can afford to live here :-(
my two fave suggestions of the moment are road trip (clearly suits me, and lends itself to a fantastic name tag) and beeker (science AND muppets? holy smoke perfect!)
so how close is boulder to loveland? i've been seriously considering a move to CO, for a lot of reasons, including to be near my sister, who is crazy lonely lately and completely out of her mind stressed. but, i can't live with her, doesn't work out. possibilities???
p.s. do you like iguanas?
I've never been to loveland but google maps says it's an hour from boulder. not bad! i've never met an iguana, so i don't know if i'm a fan. i'm generally a dog person. but we should keep this in our minds as a possibility! josh will find out next week if he got an interview.
(my avatar is an iguauna close-up btw. he's admittedly rather intimidating to most people at first, but he grows on you because he's so mild-mannered. he doesn't do much except try to climb things. sturdy curtain rods are important lol. and he's potty trained!)
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