Title: Hana(Blossom
Pairing: Chie/Aoi
Rating: PG for now
Word Count: 1168
Disclaimer: The characters of Mai-Hime don't belong to me they own by Sunrise but my original character Haruki belong to me
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30_kisses After few days an ago, Chie still was thinking about the kiss she received from Aoi. Even she told her forget about it. Since living on campus away from her parents for a year now, Chie find peace by not living with her dominating mother and her workaholic father whom she haven’t seen months a time.
In real life no sort things called fairy tale ending. The prince end up being the frog, the evil dragon turns up a being misunderstood creature. Chie today found another love letter in her shoebox from a female student and she has figure out that she want her meeting at.
To her high school is a sociological test to real world what kind of people she has to deal and work with. She read the letter and Chie hates breaking another heart but she doing this doing as social service and rescue that girl from life’s disappointments, sometime life is kind funny and kind cruel.
Aoi is starting her day by fixing some breakfast for herself and Haruki.
“Good morning Haruki-san and you enjoy a goodnight sleep?” She asks. “I made some pancakes with bacon and sausage plus toast,”
“Well Aoi-chan I felt like hell. Anyway you’re sound very chipper this morning, you still thinking about Chie? She breaking little girls hearts all the time and she have a reputation being queen of schoolyard gossip,” Haruki add. “Also she fancies herself as knight to young maidens in the school and has boyish charm making girls falling in love of her,”
Aoi thought a moment what Haruki have said. “So she a heartbreaker and have reputation that following her?” Aoi ask. “I am wondering why she doesn’t want me pursuing her. She must have her reasons because she told me to forgot to fall for her,”
“You know today is?” Haruki charge the subject. “Today you have choose a club to attend until you graduate from Fuka. It going to be fierce and some clubs tend be aggressive in their recruiting drive.”
“So they are looking for some new members today and it competition between the clubs?” Aoi sound confuse. “Means that Chie could join one of these clubs today.”
“Well she can but I don’t think she joining with some cliques I seeing her as a loner type and she has low opinion of popularity in high school,”
Chie is checking her watch making sure the person was on time. She feeling that she have to be cruel order shattering someone else’s dream being with her. “You’re here I thought you were playing mind games with me,”
“I don’t care about your reputation or breaking a few girls’ hearts in process I love you and please accept these flowers from me,”
“I admitting you are bold to declare your love to me kiddo but at the end is very painful don’t push your luck,”
“Harada-sempai you never understand the way I felt around your present and you used have all kind confessions and girls throwing themselves at you, please paid attention at me.”
Chie thought about how painful breaking this girl. She truly isn’t a cruel person but sometime life dictate to stuff unrealistic dreams. “Sorry I’m not interest in little girls and go playing your tea sets,” Chie left the underclassman stun and bewildered by her behavior.
Aoi entering the building where different clubs recruiting students to join to their clubs. “Haruki this is unbelievable and it looks like pandemonium today also very overwhelming for me,”
“It very chaotic here, Aoi-chan and don’t get lost today. You’re interest any clubs around here?” Haruki was asking Aoi. “What you like to do on your spare time? You have any hobbies?”
Aoi is thinking what she did like as a hobby. As far she can remember as a child she was interest in nature and during the summer Aoi used catching fireflies at night with her father. Those were wondrous times for her.
“Haruki as I can remember I want be a geologist when I was growing up.” Aoi is sound excited.
“There a Nature Club so you can join them if you’re interested,” Haruki comment. “They’re few rows down on the left you never miss it.”
As Aoi walking down the hallway, she is looking for Chie amount of the chaotic atmosphere in the room. She hopes finding the tomboy around the area.
“I don’t know where Chie at this room? I want talk to her about the kiss we share,”
Chie felt both bore and annoyed those five different clubs wanting her to join their club and that after turning down another girl confession. Chie never admitting to herself that she cherish her budding friendship to Aoi through the times they spent together but life causing complicates by that damn stupid kiss.
Isn’t she just woke up one day and decide became a lesbian Chie still struggle with her sexual identity add Japanese society expecting her to get marry and having kids almost at the age of 14 Chie too young being a cynic.
“Chie I finally you I have been looking for you over couple of minutes you probably tired of few clubs hounding you to join them,”
“Aoi what are you here? Today is too chaotic on Club Day and I want talk to you what happened between us on the other day,”
Aoi is noticing Chie being serious about the kiss share between the two.
“We need find a private area to talk and get away from this craziness of recruit drive,” They left from the building.
Both Chie and Aoi walk through the forest to their usual spot. “Aoi we like fast friend and I’m aware you sort have a crush on me but my reputation following me since I start attend Fuka Academy last year. I try say that I’m saving you from lifetime of disappoint and hash reality of love.”
Aoi digesting what Chie was saying. “First I already knew your rep, second you seem too nice a person to be cruel and finally you can call me a fool in love,”
Chie with her arms cross look Aoi with disbelief. “We way too young to thinking about adult relationships and we start junior high. You like those Fujino fangirls who infatuated with her.”
“It kind true I like more than a friend I am truly unsure about my feelings for you. I may too young telling the different between adult love and childish crushes.”
“Well this settles this little misunderstanding between us. We still can be friends?”
“Chie you did the kiss couple of days ago?” Aoi ask. “I enjoy it and it weird for share my first kiss with another girl. I want save for special someone you think I’m just a silly romantic reading too many shojo manga and daydreaming her prince rescuing her from big, bad dragon,”
Chie watch Aoi heading back to her dorm. Deep inside that Chie won’t admit that she sort have less than friendly feelings toward Aoi.