T_T I always see the Juvenile Orion merchandise advertised in the back pages of the manga volumes (I have volume 4, the one with Isshin on the cover, next to me right now as my reference) and think, "Ooh, prettyfuls!" JO T-shirts, hmm ...
8D Thank you. My small efforts won't exactly make JO fanart any less of a rarity than it currently is, but at least it's something.
Oh, and I've always thought that Isshin is a character who constantly contradicts himself -- one moment he's kicking major tush with every cool flourish in the book, and the next moment he's spotted Mana and is haplessly blundering into a wall, or bonking his head on the basketball hoop (against all odds, since he's tall, but not that tall). But that's what makes him such a precious boy ... XD
:) He also happens to be Chinese ... or close enough, anyway. And thank you, I'm glad you like the hair; that's the part that always takes the longest for me to draw. ^-^; (Don't worry if you don't know who he is, since Juvenile Orion doesn't seem to be a very well-known manga series.)
8D;; The tiger was even distracting me while I was drawing this. "Tra-la-la, shading in the hair, oh bother, I think I'll go touch up the tiger's tail instead." Etc.
Comments 16
<3 tiffo
He is beautiful. @___@;; And just seeing more JO fanart period is making me squee. XDD
in my mind, no matter what fancy-pants Chinese martial arts moves he pulls off ... he's still a big knuckle-headed klutz.
Bahahaha, I agree! XDD
Oh, and I've always thought that Isshin is a character who constantly contradicts himself -- one moment he's kicking major tush with every cool flourish in the book, and the next moment he's spotted Mana and is haplessly blundering into a wall, or bonking his head on the basketball hoop (against all odds, since he's tall, but not that tall). But that's what makes him such a precious boy ... XD
The glow in the eyes is great, it makes it look like he's not all that terribly interested in the viewer.
(Tiger. Dude.)
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