(no subject)

Oct 22, 2011 23:03

Just a meme I found:

Ten ships you are into now:
1. Booth/Bones (Bones)
2. Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
3. Amy/Rory (Doctor Who)
4. Aziraphael/Crowley (Good Omens)
5. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
6. Kagome/Seshoumaru (Inuyasha)
7. Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson (Sherlock Holmes- any version)
8. Spike/Xander (Buffy)
9. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek)
10. House/Wilson (House)

Four ships you don't really like:
Just four? Pretty much anything involving any of the characters listed above that isn't that pairing. I'm very much a one 'ship kinda girl.

Which was your original OTP?
Harry/Draco. It was my introduction to fanfiction. I had a friend in high school who wouldn't stop nagging me until I had read the Draco Trilogy, and after that I read 'Underwater Light' and was hooked.

What would be your ideal scenario for couple three?
See the cannon :)

Which is your favourite moment for couple one?
End of season 6. "I'm pregnant. It's yours" and the big sappy grin on his face.

How long have you been following couple six?
Since, oh, 2007? I don't really read it much anymore, just the occasional re-read of 'Tales from the House of the Moon', which is brilliant and the whole reason I 'ship them in the first place.

What's the story with eight?
Same as a lot of the pairings I follow, I found a story early on that was just brilliant, and it got me hooked on the pairing. In this case it was either 'Hold Me. Thrill Me. Kiss Me. Kill Me.' or 'Nothing the Same', I can't remember which.

Which ship do you prefer, two or four?
Ooh, that's tough one. Probably four, if only because I like gen stories in Doctor Who just as much, if not more, but have very little interest in gen stories for Good Omens (that aren't, you know, actually Good Omens)

How do you feel about seven?
Well, aside from just liking the stories, I have quite personal reasons for liking the pairing, which I would rather not air on LJ. At least not until I've talked to someone about them face to face. When I gather up the courage to.

Does your affection for nine affect your love of the show?
Hell yes! I watched the reboot movie with a die-hard shipper and spent the entire time hearing about bits of subtext I hadn't noticed yet (thanks for that btw, marigoldsthorn, it was the most fun I'd had in ages), which is what got me into the pairing, which made me want to watch TOS (agian, thanks marigoldsthorn!). So I would say that my love of the show is based almost entirely around my 'affection for nine' (it kinda sounds like I have a crush on the ninth Doctor, saying it like that...).

What's a song that reminds you of five?
None really, I don't tend to associate songs with pairings. Except for 'Pieces' by Red, which, due to an absolutely brilliant fanvid, I associate with Kirk/Spock.

Have two kissed yet?
Yes! End of season four. Very passionately. And then Rose was written out of the show. Again. :(

Did four have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Yes? In that the world didn't end... They're not really a cannon pairing. They're still good friends at the end of the book though.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, two or six?
Two, if only because I don't really read six any more, whereas I watch Doctor Who as it comes out. Before it's even released over here.
You have the power to decide the fate of ten. What happens to them?
Not much. I don't really like the pairing any more. The show has kinda ruined it for me. It used to be fun to watch House be an asshole, if only because you could think he might be doing it for the right reasons. Now, he just annoys me, and I think Wilson would be better off without him.


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