Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Could you see
monahanrm and
bloodroses05 together? Um, definitely not. She has a significant other at the moment.
2) Are
monahanrm and
hippiangel going steady? *giggle* If they were, the universe would stop.
3) What animal does
erynpsudoname remind you of? A gyrfalcon. Don't ask, I know not how to explain.
4) What rank would
shadoweloc have in a giant robot army? The genius who built them and now is going to rule the world...muahahahaha.
5) When did you last call
shadoweloc? No idea. I really don't do much calling cos of my lack of cell minutes.
6) What would you do if
cellochicka died? Cry.
7) Which of your friends should
monahanrm go out with? Whichever one he likes?
8) What video game does
mb_jazz_freak87 remind you of? Mario!! She keeps getting the theme stuck in my head.
9) Is
demonkitti a nerd? A choir nerd, yes.
10) Does
ladymeltintalle go to your school? I used to go to hers.
11) What mental disorder does
hippiangel remind you of? A really fun and complicated one.
12) Has
tidusflea dyed their hair? I have no idea.
13) How many monkeys could
belinconnu fight at once and win against? The entire monkey population of the Amazon Basin.
14) What would
amour_rappele think of
tidusflea? I think they'd get along swell.
15) What comic book character would
dancinqueen0100 be? Sailor V!!
16) Is
hippiangel single? Officially, I believe so.
17) Does
erynpsudoname know
amour_rappele? Nope.
18) What flavor of jello would
demonkitti be? I want to say lemon for some reason.
19) What is
lunaladyoflight's shoe size? I have not the slightest. Probably 7.5ish.
20) If
rachelrenecary had a superpower, what would it be? Confusion. Which is an awesome spell.
21) Do you have a crush on
monahanrm? Nope.
22) Has
hippiangel been to your house/dorm? She's been to my apt. in Davison.
23) If
erynpsudoname took over the world, who would be happy? Smart people.
24) Is
amour_rappele related to you? Yup. She's my cousin.
25) What is
belinconnu's favorite band/artist? Eesh. I remeber her singing some rock stuff...
26) Thoughts on
lunaladyoflight? Emily is a wonderful vocal major and tons of fun.
27) What would
demonkitti give
erynpsudoname for his/her birthday? We tend to do door signs here in college.
tidusflea's eye color? Blue-ish.
29) Would you set up
monahanrm and
dancinqueen0100? Hehehehehe. No, but then, I wouldn't set anyone up. I feel I'm not qualified.
30) Is
monahanrm popular? Among the people I know. Like choir people.
31) What is
hippiangel's favorite movie? Something involving Johnny Depp...
32) Did
monahanrm break up with you? Never dated me, so no.
33) Does
monahanrm have a crush on
tidusflea? That would be odd.
34) Does
amour_rappele do drugs? No way.
35) How tall is
dancinqueen0100? 5'9"
The Seer (I'm Not Mean! I'm Honest...)
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