
Aug 26, 2006 10:48

Well, I am happily in love, and things are going great. I have been with Justin for about 2 months now, and I feel that this will last for a long time. We have been inseperable since we met, and we are working through things with each other. I found someone that is there for me. That I can depend on, and is willing to look in the darkest part of me ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

teh_shirt_ninja August 27 2006, 03:40:58 UTC
I'm glad you're happy, thats fucking awesome for you. Sorry that I never called back, I ended up not getting home untill way late and then it completly slipped my mind to call the next day.


shiatretiel August 27 2006, 21:40:29 UTC
Its alright... its your revenge for all the times I did it to you.


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