...do a writer's meme.
1. What’s the last thing you wrote?
Fiction-wise, a few words in chapter 18 of Lavender Eyes. I haven't worked on anything else in a long time, and that makes me sad.
2. Write poetry?
Only for a grade.
3. Angsty poetry?
Not everyone has an IQ low enough to tolerate their own angst! You just don't understand me, do you?! *slices wrists cross-wise*
4. Favorite genre of writing?
Fantasy. To be more specific, fantasy that doesn't put the focus on the magic or the plot, but is character-driven. I also enjoy light SF and the occasional medieval classic.
5. Most annoying character you’ve ever created?
Well, the most annoying surviving character is Cliche, mostly because whenever I write for her (as I'm doing now) I hear a very childish, huffy voice -- the kind one might hear in Sailor Moon. XD Though honestly, I think she only beats Alleya because Alleya doesn't narrate any chapters.
6. Best plot you’ve ever created?
I'll let you know when I've created it. :) Not to say I haven't had my moments of brilliance; I like my plots for Lavender and Echo of the Whirlwind. But they're both situation-driven plots, and I know the best plots are the ones characters make for themselves.
7. Coolest plot twist you’ve ever created?
I dunno if it even counts since it's revealed near the start of book two, but Kyo eats the Death Stone. XD
8. How often do you get writer’s block?
Hah. I have it right now, or I wouldn't be doing this. XD
9. Write fan fiction?
Not since high school, thank the seven gods.
10. Do you type or write by hand?
I find it easier to type, but I'll chicken scratch if I have to.
11. Do you save everything you write?
I'm sure I still have the very first draft of Lavender somewhere. XD Alas, most of my stuff from grade school was sacrificed in a poorly executed change of address ritual.
12. Do you ever go back to an abandoned idea?
I don't think I've ever abandoned an idea... replaced, yes, as well as immediately forgotten.
13. What’s your favorite thing you’ve ever written?
The middle portion of Lavender. Or maybe just Lavender in general, but especially the Gurin chapters and anything to do with Kyo. :)
14. What’s everyone else’s favorite story you’ve written?
I think either Serala or Chipmunk, Inc. had the most reviewers on fictionpress, but the Lavender fans were more consistent. In any case, it's been a LONG time since I've shown anyone my work...
15. Ever written romance or angsty teen drama?
I wouldn't touch that with a flag pole wrapped in barbed wire.
16. What’s your favorite setting for your characters?
Where it makes the most sense for them to be at any given moment? Now that I think about it, though, I have a lot of forests in my writing. A lot of outdoors in general, too.
17. How many projects are you working on now?
Actively, one. Projects I've started but are currently on hold, maybe three. Random ideas I haven't started working on yet, too many to count.
18. Have you ever won an award for your writing?
Two poetry awards, ironically. And in 8th grade I was voted "most likely to win a Pulitzer."
19. What are your five favorite words?
erudite, meaning, dream, defenestration, (I can't remember my favorite word! D:)
20. What character have you created that is most like yourself?
They've all got a little bit of me, and yet they are no one but themselves. I think maybe I understand Lavi the most, but then I've had her in my head for seven years.
21. Where do you get your ideas for your characters?
I don't. They fight their way out of my subconscious. Sometimes they even take over when I'm not paying attention.
22. Do you favor happy endings?
If I didn't I'd be a really depressing person.
23. Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
Sometimes I wonder whether anyone is as perfectionistic about those as I am...
24. Does music help you write?
Only during the planning/brain storming stage. Otherwise I get super distracted.
25. Quote something you’ve written. Whatever pops in your head.
Our next stop was Zeus's palace. His theme that season was the Amazon, and you were lucky if you didn't have to visit while he had the alligator pond. I have never hated him so much for the "no teleportation" rule as when I had to hop from stone to stone with a dozen monstrous reptiles snapping at my ankles just to get to the front door. ~Cliche