JE Kink/Smut AnonyMeme 2008
Start your year off right with some crazy idolboy smut.
Pretty free. Just make sure you put who you want, what you want, and how you want it. Yeah, that's supposed to sound dirty. Hay look, copypasta:
Who I want:
What I want:
How I want it:
Rules1) Anon is fine. Not anon is fine. Funnier if you're anon
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I hope this is still OK for your request, though?Nakai has always imagined himself to be a tiger. Graceful, strong and dangerous, a loner who is his own master, without fear and compassion ( ... )
“Why don’t you fear me?!” Flecks of spittle mark Ohno’s skin ( ... )
At this point, he notices with a start, it doesn’t matter anymore if Ohno fears him. Ohno’s eyes are wide and dark and they stare right into his and Ohno sees him, he notices him and just him, just like all his victims only saw him, only noticed him, when their eyes were shining with fear and maybe, Nakai thinks dazedly as he frees his fingers and opens his own trousers, maybe this was what he wanted from Ohno after all, maybe the beast inside of him is satisfied with this kind of reaction, this kind of sacrifice, after all, because he can’t imagine anything better than the lust shining in Ohno’s eyes and the moans spilling from his lips and the warm tightness gripping him as he lowers himself onto, into Ohno; and then all thoughts desert him as the wild, growling beast in him takes over and pushes his body forward, pushes both of them forward, really, until ( ... )
Aiba wins hard. You get extra brownies for squeezing in a cameo for all of Arashi and for scarring Sho and giving Aiba a winner line. ♥
Oh, and hey, look, isn't my icon kinda appropriate? ;D *gets bricked all over*
YES! I mean, who on earth would even be seriously offended by Ohno? No, really. I'd like to meet someone who does get offended and try to pick at his/her brain and see how it's different from the rest of ours. :P
Hahahahaha! The funnier thing is that I wouldn't put it past Aiba to actually say that. LMAO
(I think every Arashi fan loves scarring Sho just for the heck of it. ♥ Poor guy; personally, though, I like doing it because I honestly think he's the only 100% straight guy in Arashi. XP)
Wheee~ \*O*/ Hahaha, I think it was Nino, too. Could be wrong, though. XD
Haha, well, I think it's possible that you might've hit at least some things spot on.
LMAO! Ahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry. I'm the easily amused type, and I think this mental image of Aibacat stuck in a tree will stay with me throughout the day. XDDD
(D-do not break my brain! D: Hahahaha)
(But that's OK - he and Jun just watch fashion-shows together. Jun for the fashion, and Aiba for the nearly-naked boobs.
This is bloody brilliant. BRILLIANT. Someone should write fic about it...and cat!Aiba, too. Not together, though. XD)
Gogogo! Sho is so easy (and tempting!) to icon. All those scandalize/scared/shocked/pleased faces. Mmmm~ Sho~ XD
Thanks for the compliment! *blushing slightly* I'm often a bit afraid that my comments might be too wordy or a bother to other people, so I'm very glad to hear that you enjoy them! ^____^
Sorry. I'm the easily amused type, and I think this mental image of Aibacat stuck in a tree will stay with me throughout the day. XDDD
... Apparently, it stuck with me too.
(And now that I have Aiba-Cat out of my mind, I might just go and see whether I can get a few screencaps for a Sho-icon... ^___^)
AIBACAT. YOU WROTE IT. Excuse me as I piss my pants with glee. ♥
(Gogogo! :D :D :D)
I'm glad you like it! ^_________^ I just had to write that down, after I got that image stuck in my head... The image of Aiba-cat is so adorable! ^__^
I'm now stuck with some of the cutest mental images. ♥!
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