JE Kink/Smut AnonyMeme 2008
Start your year off right with some crazy idolboy smut.
Pretty free. Just make sure you put who you want, what you want, and how you want it. Yeah, that's supposed to sound dirty. Hay look, copypasta:
Who I want:
What I want:
How I want it:
Rules1) Anon is fine. Not anon is fine. Funnier if you're anon
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"What are you looking for?"
"My emo," Subaru replied. "Ah, found it." He poked Maru on the cheek.
"Shhh, it's a secret."
i love him so much. i don't even know if this is how he is cause i've only been into k8 for like a week so... but yeah, baru = a+
head thrown back as he rather theatrically (and Maru liked this) prepared himself.
this anon likes this too. very much.
the fabric of the skirt was sliding over the head of Subaru's cock, teasing just the way Subaru liked it.
WOW. i think i need to read more of this pairing. *runs off to search the internets*
...K8 is the greatest. I kind of love each and every one of them.
and comfort/friendly sex is the best thing ever.
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Do I get a cookie?
I am so subtle.
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Bwahahaaaaa. Write me smut, yes! No, you don't have to but I'm not saying who I am~~~
These two are such an underwritten pairing - thanks to both you and the OP for contributing! ^_~
Thank you, hon! I love the pairing~
Yes I requested this pairing and I am motherfuckin proud cause this awesome little fic came out of it. Way to go anon! Seriously can you reveal yourself to me? I MUST KNOW WHO YOU ARE SO I CAN STALK YOU FOREVER. Or read more of your fics you know whichever. XD
I had this scenario in my head for a while actually and it's so detailed because I originally was gonna write it but i got lazy and also though I've read smut for years I've yet to attempt to write it. I'm thinkin I'll give it a go somewhere in this meme now though. anon of course. ;) Seriously thanks for this! I love subassan and it is my fave pairing but. It's not the only fun pairing in k8 out there. So I wanted to request a couple of unconventional pairings. I had no clue if anyone would fulfill them though. You rock! seriously tell me who you are through like lj's message thing or something cause I am dying to know who you are. I might even know you! in fact your style seems a bit familiar....
Not telling, but you'll find out after a while. XD
I write lots... But not much smut. XD In fact, not any.
I hope so! I need to fangirl you properly. BEAUTIFUL STRANGER. <3333
It's cool man despite my dirty mind I actually love all kinds of fic. A good story is a good story. sex is not necessary. but very much appreciated all the same. ;D
I hope i find out before I DIEEEE. ;_;
Subaru is so sneaky LOL! this is my no.2 OTP in Eito...there haven't been much fanservice from the 2 of them lately (and subsequently, lesser fics)...thank you! :)
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