It would seem many are returning from being kidnapped. Welcome back, to everyone who has returned.
[private to the Digimon Kids / 70% Hackable]
Taichi-san. I believe we should gather your friends from home and conduct this "soccer game" you have wanted to for some time. And for those that are not interested in this game, I would still like to meet them. I believe I have only met Taichi-san, Hikari-san, and Yamato-san in person.
[private to the p3/4 cast / 90% Unhackable]
It would seem that perhaps a meeting between our groups is required. I believe the topic of conversation is something that is already understood. As we have powers no one else in this place does.
[ And for the Housemates, Aegis has been super attached to Fina and Minato. Alternating. ]