grand_gaia and
theoldmagickLocation: The Plane Library
Time: Monkey business day two
Summary: It's just a library. What could go wrong...?
Warnings: Violence at some points most likely!
Notes: Posting order is Kaoru, Isaac, Marta, Kilgarrah, and the monkey (when said monkey strikes).
Hope you brought your library card )
Comments 31
But he slept on it, and realized that yes, control of his surroundings would be nice about now - Vault was snowed in, rocked by earthquakes and running out of food. A little control over that would be nice.
So he dug out his Sol Blade, his breastplate and made sure no fewer than nine Djinn were with him (In their own way - for whatever reason, they couldn't manifest on the Plane, though Isaac still felt their power), and stepped on.
The library seemed a bit more daunting than usual - Isaac was glad he'd prepared. But ouside the doors, he found a surprise.
She made her way to the library, and smiled just faintly when she saw two others there. At least she wouldn't have to be alone.
"Um... Hello?"
"Ah, hey Isaac!" He offered his friend a smile before turning his attentions to the girl. He couldn't remember if he'd seen her around the Plane before--but she did look familiar. Maybe he'd spotted her walking around.
"Are you both going in? I'm Kaoru, by the way, princess," he said with a slight bow and held a hand out to take Marta's.
It was false optimism, but it made him feel just a bit better. Absently, his hands fidgeted, wanting to grab his sword, but that might be a bit much. After all, there was nothing to be worried about, right now, was there? No. He had conqured the four Elemental Lighthouses. What was a librabry?
Isaac stepped up to the doors and pushed them open. "Ready?"
She turned to give a firm nod to Isaac. "Ready! We'll definitely find them!"
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