Deathmatch Information

Jul 05, 2010 19:31

Frequency & Notification

Given the number of fights we'll have to do, we are doing two fights every other day. The notifications will be sent out every other day as well, to give players the most time to prepare. So, first notifications on Monday, first fights on Wednesday, second notifications on Wednesday, more fights on Friday, and so on.

The notifications themselves will be emailed to the players, given how LJ has been less than precise in its notification system lately. We will use the contact email that you gave us and will email you with a copy of the letter that will miraculously appear somewhere on your character's person while they aren't paying attention. Please make sure your email isn't set to consider the mod account spam mail.

The Fights

The letters will start to beep when it's time for the fight. If the combatants do not arrive at the Coliseum in five minutes (through one of the gates in the back of the picture there, if you want a visual reference), they will be teleported in to the centre of the arena. They can bring with them anything that they can carry with them.

Between the combatants, in the Emperor's box, a large hourglass counts out how much time they have to fight. How long that last is up to you, and it may even change from match to match. The hourglass starts the instant both combatants are in the arena. If it runs down, players can have their characters die in whatever way they see fit, whether it's a heart-attack, spontaneously choking to death, or whatever end most suits your fancy.

If the match is won by a combatant, the gates will open up, allowing the winner to leave. The body of the loser will turn to dust in under a minute, and if the winner doesn't leave the arena, they will be teleported out to clear the place for the next match. At that point, the next combatants will be summoned. Rinse and repeat!

Audience Participation

The arena itself has an unbreachable barrier around it, invisible but touchable. No one can get in but the appropriate combatants, not even people who teleport. The characters can only sit on the sidelines. But on the bright side, there is every variety of food and drink set up around the Coliseum for them to enjoy while the match goes on.

The audience can shout warnings and the like. They can't throw food into the arena, as it will bounce off the barrier and back into their faces. There is neither amplification nor dampening of hearing, so assume that everyone can hear what they could reasonably hear across an amphitheatre. The same goes for smell and sight.


The mods will make a post in the logs community of the opening announcements from the host(s) of the fights, who will be sitting in the Emperor's box. The posts will essentially be like this log: one thread for the two combatants, and the rest of the threads for the spectators. We will put up one log for each fight. The first log posted will be the first fight of the day, and the second log posted will be the second log of the day.


For extra added suspense (and also to leave room for late entries) we will be releasing the name of the combatants only as the characters find out. As such, if there is any time in the next two or so weeks where you definitely are going to be busy, please tell us so we can arrange your match for another time.

On that note, people are still free to sign up here until the final fight.

EDIT: There are people signed up for death matches who have yet to sign in on the activity check post. Perhaps they should go sign in now? As should anyone else who has yet to sign in.

*mod post, *mod plot

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