Title: Friends
Summary: Stress and idiocy makes for an angry Ueda, and what makes for a happy Ueda, is the strangely surprising thoughtfulness of a certain person.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Wouldn’t it be nice if I could totally lie and say I owned them? -Sigh- but the reality is that if I ever tried saying that Johnny would probably sue me for all I’m
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Comments 21
JUNDA IS SOOOO LOVED!! that's why they're my OTP!! >v< THANKS FOR WRITING THIS AND SHARING!! *loved*
I like Junda also, they're adorable =)
lol I'm happy you thought it was funny,(it was meant to be)
Anyway thanks so much for the nice comment!
Still, I loved it. <3
(And, I think you could of probably gotten away with downing the rating to G).
But friendship is adorable either way XD
Yeah, I'm in total agreement about that, all I've found on LJ are alot of romance fics, not that there's anything totally wrong with that, but more variety would be good, I guess.
I was kind of tempted to set it to G but with Ueda saying 'hell' alot and what with him complaining about peoples stupidity, I just set it to PG to be safe.
I actually want to start a community for all genres of Johnny's entertainment fanfiction. I'm just asking around to see if anyone else is interested too.
Mmmm, K+ probably would of done it too. (Yes, I broke out the ff.net rating system :P).
I should go back there sometime, for some reason I've lost touch with that XD
Oh that's cool, that'd be pretty interesting to see what other things ppl can come with, besides romance =)
juno is such a great friend to ueda...and as he said just because something ends dont mean their friendship does
thank you for sharing <3
About the ending thing, I actually wrote this fic when all the rumors about KAT-TUN breaking up were flying around, an this was just a product of it.
But they're still together 'YAY!' =)
Thank you for the nice comment =)
Thank you for sahring this very sweet fanfic~!!
I'm really glad you liked it, thanks alot for the nice comment =)
Keep posting like this more~
I really like it~
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