100 NEWS Q's

Jun 11, 2010 20:41

So I just found this meme floating around online, and as I'm exhausted and don't have the capability to write another Shige/Massu one-shot as I intended I filled this out instead.

100 NEWS Q's

1. That you’re doing this, we can assume you like NEWS at least some.

2. Can you name all 6 current members
Koyama Keichiiro, Ryo Nishikido, Yamashita Tomohisa, Masuda Takahisa, Kato Shigeaki, Tegoshi Yuya

3. What about the 2 not currently around?
Kusano and Uchi

4. Ninth who left a long time ago?

5. How did you learn about NEWS?
It all started with anime, actually the LoveCom anime with the opening and closing by TegoMass, and upon research I found out they were part of News. Watched the PV for “Weeeek” and was pretty much hooked after that.

6. What was your first impression of NEWS?
I thought they harmonized really well, and for some reason reminded me of Simple plan when I first heard “Weeeek”.

7. How did you come to like NEWS?
I got hooked when I saw “Weeeek” and then the deal was pretty much sealed when I saw and heard “Koi No ABO.”

8. What do you think is NEWS strongest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
That’s kind of hard to say, but I suppose it’d be how completely different they all seem to be, but still manage to show such a great bond of friendship towards one another. It’s actually their personalities that I love more than anything else =)

9. What do you think is NEWS weakest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
They get practically no exposure, while all these other JE groups get lots of promotions and ‘Making’ videos and advertisements while filming Drama’s NEWS gets practically nothing.

10. Are you listening to them right now?

11. Do you enjoy NEWS’ music?
Very much

12. What are your 5 favorite NEWS songs? (Released on CD or not)
1) Change the world
2) Open your eyes
3) Happy Birthday
4) Weeeek
5) Koi no ABO

13. What’s your all time favorite solo song?
Shalala tambourine- Kato Shigeaki

14. What music genre do you consider NEWS?

15. What Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
Well, I know this may disturb certain people’s delicate sensibilities, but I’d love to hear them do a cover of KAT-TUN’s ‘Love yourself’ and ‘D-motion’ just because the sound is so different.

16. What non-Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
Hmmmm, I guess I’d like to hear them do a cover of some sort from Big Bang, that’d be interesting. I haven't heard anything in English that I think all of them could participate in, but I'd think it was cool if Shige and Ryo tried to do a cover of from Linkin Park or maybe Green Day.

17. Do you enjoy songs with all members or smaller groups better?
I like’em both

18. Can you sing all the lyrics to one or more of their songs?
Yep, I freak my friends and family out when I sing all of “Weeeek”

19. Do you have a favorite song title or lyric? What is it?
“’Cuz it’s a treasure that can’t be bought with money
I express it with feelings
Without feeling shy I’ll say “congratulations”
In words at exactly midnight

For being Born
For us having met
For being beside me now ‘Thank you’”

-Happy Birthday

It’s really one of my favorite songs, and I think it captures the exact happiness you want to give someone on their birthday =)

Favorite Related
20. Who’s your favorite member?

21. Who’s your least favorite member?
It’s not really dislike, he’s just #6. Ryo

22. Is there a member you could really do without?
Absolutely not

23. Your favorite relationship between members (as friendship or more)?
Shigemassu, they’re just adorable together with their strange awkwardness and RyoPi because together they can make anyone smile =)

24. Who has the best fashion sense?

25. Who normally has the best hairstyles?
Shige. I’d say Masuda as well, but he hasn't really changed his hairstyle

26. Who’s singing voice is your favorite?

27. Speaking voice?

28. What is your favorite NEWS group magazine shoot picture?
Well I pretty much loved those scans from Wink-up of Jan 2008. They all looked pretty much beyond gorgeous in that.

29. Solo picture?
That would be: Shige's
He looked absolutely gorgeous in literally all pics for this play!

30. Favorite shop photo?
I pretty much love them all.

31. Favorite CD cover?
I absolutely loved the cover for the LE of Color, they all looked so handsome in that, ooohhh and I loved the Koi no ABO cover as well, so pretty XD

32. Favorite DVD?
NEWS WPD, those solos were awesome, and their outfits were just =)

Member Related
33. If the members had become teachers, what do you think each would teach?
Hmmm, alright I guess it’d be:
Masuda: PE
Koyama: Home economics
Yamapi: Physics
Ryo: Spanish (he sounds like he’s have a good Spanish accent)
Shige: Social studies
Tegoshi: Art he could model for the class and teach his ‘Shshshing’ technique

34. Who seems most likely to show a different side of themselves on Christmas Eve?
Ryo, most definitely, he’d be the secret Santa and totally deny having done such an awesomely nice thing.

35. If NEWS rangers were created, what colors?
Koyama-Purple or maybe orange
Masuda- Yellow

36. Please make NEWS into the ideal family.
Koyama- Mama
Yamapi- Papa
Ryo- scary uncle
Shige - Son
Tegoshi - Sister
Masuda - Big brother

37. NEWS is a host club. Who would you pick, why?
SHIGE!!!!! Have you seen the Shalala tambourine PV? Did you see him as a host, he was beyond gorgeous. Besides I flipping love that guy. Second might be Yamapi or Koyama

38. What kind of costume would you like to see them wear at a concert that they haven’t already done?
Well they’ve done mostly everything, except normal casual clothes and well Swimwear, but idk if Massu and Shige would really be up for that XD

39. How would you like to be related to NEWS?
Ummm I’d want to marry Shige, have Koyama and Masuda be my best friends, and annoy the living daylights out of Ryo (I think it’s fun)

40. Assign an animal to each member.
Koyama- Kitten
Masuda- Panda bear
Tegoshi - Chettah
Ryo- Giraffe
Yamapi- Bird
Shige- Puppy

41. Which NEWS member reminds you most of one of your own family members?
Ryo, he reminds me so much of my cousins It’s not even funny, half the things he says I feel like I’ve had déjà vu or something because I’ve heard it before!

42. Who seems most likely to dress up on Halloween and/or do cosplay?
Tegoshi, he seems to enjoy his photo shoots as a girl XD

43. Who do you think you could pass by on the street without noticing?
Ryo, he’d blend in here in NY

44. Who do you think has pulled the most all nighters?
Shige probably, I mean he studied law, all nighters are a must in that area of study and just add to that he’d been working too!

45. Which member would you want as a boss and why?
Yamapi, because he’s just so laid back about things, and wouldn’t be all that nit-picky about every little detail.

46. Who would it be most awkward to catch in the erotic section of a video rental store?
Huh? Ummm Masuda I guess, b/c well he’s Massu. I’d say Tegoshi, but we all know how interested he is in that sort of thing after hearing his lyrics XD

Drama/TV Related

47. Do you watch the dramas containing NEWS members?

48. Do you watch dramas that DON’T contain NEWS members?
Of course.

49. Have you seen all the dramas they’ve starred in?
No, they’ve been in so many it’s hard to watch it all, besides not all of Shige’s dramas have been subbed =(

50. What was the first Yamapi drama you saw?
I think it was 'Nobuta wo Produce'. Would you believe I only watched it b/c my friend was a Kame fan and it wasn’t til I saw Pi with his juice box that I realized he was in it?!

51. Do you wait for subtitles to watch a drama with NEWS members?
Mostly, although I watched the first ep of “troubleman” without subs, b/c I had thought no one would sub it.

52. Excluding Yamapi, which member of NEWS do you think has the best acting?
Ryo, is probably the best

53. Excluding Yamapi, who’s acting do you enjoy the most?
Hmmmm, I really like Shige and Ryo, so it’s a tie.

54. Is there a story you’d like to see made into a drama with one or more NEWS member?
High school debut! I so want to see Shige play Yoh, he’d look awesome in that hairstyle, and I think he'd fit into the role of clueless heartthrob wonderfully XD

55. Is there a certain type of role you'd like to see one of them play?
I’d like to see Tegoshi play a bad guy role, this cute thing is getting to be too much already.

56. Do you watch Shonen Club?
Just what’s subbed.

57. Is your main reason for watching Shonen Club NEWS as guests or Koyama as host?
Bits of both.

58. Have you seen Yamapi and/or Tegoshi's episodes on Shonen Club Premium?
Yeah, Tegoshi’s kind of made me smile.

59. Have you seen any other Shonen Club Premium episodes?
I’ve seen pretty much all the eps that newshfan has subbed.

60. Did you regularly watch Ya-ya-yah!'s TV show?
I did, somewhat.

61. Have you watched many/most of the older episodes?
Quite a few

62. Did you try watching Say!Hey!Say! to see Koyama host?

63. Do you regularly watch Japanese music shows, or just when NEWS is featured?
I like watching Hey!Hey!Hey! but it’s kind of hard to find many subbed eps. But I love watching any news related shows.

Fandom Related
64. Do you scan magazines?
No, besides it’s not like I can really get the magazines anywhere nearby.

65. Do you write fanfiction?

66. Do you read fanfiction?

67. Do you draw fanart?
No, I can’t draw to save my life.

68. Do you enjoy fanart?
If it’s nice.

69. Do you make image manipulations?
Nope, I don’t have photo shop or fireworks =(

70. Do you talk too much about NEWS?
Most definitely, everyone gets so annoyed with me sometimes.

71. Do you download pretty much everything that comes out?
Pretty much.

72. Do you upload for others?
No, I would if I had access to it myself, but as I don’t I just take and thank.

73. Do you make music/fan made videos?
I tried once, but it was much to time consuming and my video maker was being stupid so I gave up.

75. Do you watch fancams?
Sometimes, just to see how it’s different from the DVD and if there isn’t any official release of it.

76. Do you do translations?
No, I can’t read Japanese.

77. Do you read translations?

78. Do you follow their Jwebs?
I follow Shige’s, and occasionally read Pi’s and Koyama’s

79. Do you follow the rest of JE, or at least some of it?
Yeah, KAT-TUN, Kanjani8, Hey! Say! JUMP, Arashi, Tokio, Tackey and Tusbasa, And Ikuta Toma, even if he hasn't 'officially' debuted.

80. Do you follow other Japanese musical groups?
Yeah, I really like Breakerz, greeeen, flumpool, and Glay. Oohh and I cannot forget Matsushita Yuya, that guy is so talented!

81. Have you converted other people into NEWS fans?
Sadly it seems KPop is much more popular, although I have gotten one of my friends into NEWS, and well almost everybody else is only slightly attracted to the way they look rather than their sound. Actually most of them are amazed by Tegoshi’s prettiness as a girl XD

83. Do you own any NEWS CDs?
Don’t I wish, but I swore to myself that their next album release will be bought!

84. Do you own any DVDs?
No =(

85. Do you own any magazines?

86. Do you own any concert goods?

87. Do you own any shop photos?
Hehe yeah! I’ve only got one, but it’s of Shige from the Sakura girl shoot, he looks so handsome with that lovely smile of his =)

88. Have any posters on your wall?

89. Any other special/not-above-mentioned items?
I’ve got their 2010-2011 calendar, even though my dad shake’s his head every time he see’s it, I still feel it was 40 bucks well spent, especially since I don’t plan on buying any shop photos anymore.

90. If you could have any NEWS item given to you magically as a gift, what would it be?
Only one thing? I want a full length DVD concert, SUBBED!!!!!

91. So. Are Uchi and Kusano coming back?
It’s been about 4 years, so no.

92. Do you want them back, why or why not?
Well, I think it would just be unfair to put them back into the group, because the other guys have really worked hard to get where they are and if Uchi and Kusano just waltzed back in then the names each of the guys has made for themselves would be overshadowed by everyone else’s presence.

93. NEWS members having girlfriends- how do you feel?
I just want them happy, I mean I might, for some unknown and rather stupid reason get jealous of Shige’s girlfriend, but as long as their happy it’ll be fine.

94. If you could meet and chat with just one of the members once in your life, who?
It would definetly be Shige, I want to pick his brain about everything, after reading his writing I want to pretty much get his perspective on everything under the sun, just because he’s got such original ideas.

95. Can you write the kanji for all member names?
No, but I can recognize each of them by now.

96. What do you think of Ryo being in both Kanjani8 and NEWS?
I think it’s really cool that he can juggle both, and I think it shows how dedicated he is to his work, besides it’s nice to see both sides of him, the semi-cool one in NEWS and as just a total dork in Kanjani8,

97. NEWS loses another member. Who is it, and why?
I really don’t think they’d lose a member, but if they did it might be Ryo, mostly because I get the feeling Johnny would take him out just to promote K8 more.

98. Do you use the word "tabai"?
Hehe, sometimes.

99. You have to bring back one of the three lost members to NEWS- who is it?
Kusano, he’s got such a good voice, and I want the K.K.Kitty trio back!

100. Wasn't this meme annoying?
Kind of, but fun in comparison to a Math final XD


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