*not sunday for me yet...but it surely is for some of you!!*
So last night I was looking at Chinese fansites (mostly looking for that fancam of Shige's new solo....)
and I came across some scans from what looks like the Aoyama daigaku pamphlet (to get students to come there?) and there is a big thing on Shige! I remember a year or two ago there was one with Yamapi for Meji. I don't know ANY chinese (I signed up for the forum by using google translator!) so I can't figure out how to actually get the scans...but i took a screen shot of the previews that were posted in the entry
If anyone can figure out how to get them I'd be very thankful~!!! I'll even give you my username and password!
ummm...so enjoy? and be happy that Shige's school loves him!!! ^__^