So, these comics are pretty much in order of length. 1, 1, 1, 2, 3
Title: Influence
Warnings: Drug use (although unintentional)
Summary: Franklin, it's all your fault
A/N: Trufax, paper back in the Colonial period was actually made from hemp, aka cannabis. Although, I don't think it's as psychoactive as I'm portraying it here. ^__^ In fact, I think we're actually starting to use it in paper again. ...And the U.S. imports it more than any other country in the world ...because it doesn't recognize the different between it and marijuana.... *facepalm*
Title: Fried
Warnings: None
Summary: America...
A/N: We can actually blame this on Thomas Jefferson, who decided to serve potatoes in the "French manner." XD TJ, why such a francophile? We can also blame this on McDonald's for spreading the lingo all over the world. ^^; Ah, poor Belgium.
Title: Biscuits
Warnings: None
Summary: Idle chat while baking
A/N: ...I'm pretty sure this isn't why Americans call dog biscuits dog biscuits... I think... ....Have I ever mentioned I adore McVite's Biscuits? ^^;
Title: Sexiled
Warnings: None
Summary: Random college AU snapshot
A/N: Well... writers get plot bunnies and I get this. ^^; Basically an image that's burned itself into my head, but I have no idea what to do with it. Plus a college AU doesn't hold much interest for me. ^^; Also, getting sexiled sucks. Happened way too often to me. For those that don't know, it's when your roomie takes over your dorm room while you aren't looking for sex. Seriously, if someone does that, they should at least ask first.
Title: Baby Promise
Warnings: None
Summary: America still remembers
A/N: Gosh America has good memory. XD When he wants to remember something that is.
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